
Tmall’s Marketing Strategy in 2012 Sales

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    Tmall’s Marketing Strategy in 2012 Sales

    Over the four years, the sales of Taobao’s Singles’ Day promotion has grown amazingly from 0.1 billion yuan to 19.1 billion yuan. This year, Tmall generated 13.2 billion yuan in the sales campaign, which occupied about 70% of the total sales.
  • Tmall Started to Prepare

    Tmall Started to Prepare
    Tmall began to prepare for this year’s Singles’ Day sales and expected to break the record in overall size, number of brands and shops participating in the campaign etc. The online business-to-consumer marketplace of Alibaba Group deicided to launch a over-one-billion-yuan promotion plan from late July to the Spring Festival. The plan will be executed by distributing red envelops and subsidizing online sellers.
  • Distributes Coupons and Offers Pre-orders

    Distributes Coupons and Offers Pre-orders
    Tmall will give out coupons and offer pre-orders to attract consumers from Oct. 15th to Nov. 31th. Pre-order is new to Tmall’s Singles’ Day sales and consumers need to pay a small amount of deposit to guarantee the purchase of the product. This will also benefit those sellers who are not willing to offer a 50% discount on Nov. 11th.
  • Tmall Launched “Meow Planet”

    Tmall Launched “Meow Planet”
    Tmall started its traditional event “Carnival City” on Nov. 1st. The shopping website will present in three rounds the brands participating in this year’s sales campaign, and give out Tmall red envelops worth nearly 100 million yuan. The carnival city was named “Meow Planet” this year, because Tmall literally means “Sky Cat” in Chinese. The planet was shown on 1111.tmall.com where consumers can click the brands to show their support and get a chance to win red envelops or even shop for free.
  • Announce Discount Brands Successively

    Announce Discount Brands Successively
    Tmall planned to announce in succession the products participating in this year’s Singles’ Day sales. “This will let consumers see diverse products in advance through different media outlets. They will be attracted to put these things into digital trolleys, thus helping to shorten the shopping process and raise efficiency on Nov. 11th,” said President of Tmall Zhang Yong.
  • Sales Reached 19.1 Billion Yuan

    Sales Reached 19.1 Billion Yuan
    Sales of Taobao’s promotion on Singles’ Day reached a record high 19.1 billion yuan this year from 0.1 billion yuan four years ago. Besides, Tmall generated 13.2 billion yuan in the sales campaign, which occupied about 70% of the total sales. Other China’s e-commerce giants such as 360 buy, Suning and Dangdang also joined this year’s online shopping carnival.
    During the day, the total sales reached 1 billion yuan at 00:37 a.m., and then 10 billion yuan at 1:38 p.m.
  • Taobao Announced "Double 12" Promotion Rules

    Taobao Announced "Double 12" Promotion Rules
    Taobao officially announced the promotion rules of the sales campaign to be launched on Dec. 12th. Taobao planned to experiment on a new consumer-to-business model in this year’s promotion in which consumers can participate in the business process by expressing their demands of products or prices to the sellers. Apart from Tmall sellers, Taobao also lowered the requirements for more small online shops to join the sales.
  • Taobao Silent on “Double 12” Total Sales

    Taobao Silent on “Double 12” Total Sales
    Taobao announced that the total sales of this year’s “Double 12” promotion substantially exceeded last year’s 4.38-billion-yuan sales. However, it didn’t disclose the exact number. Besides, Taobao said 80% of the sales came from medium and small online shops. As to the first consumer-to-business experiment, consumers sent out 14.03 million requests for discount to sellers, and in reply shop owners offered 12 million discount products.