Baba is born
Amir, the narrator, says,"In 1933, the year Baba was born and the year Zahir Shah began his forty year reign of Afghanistan ... my grandfather adopted him into his own household"(Hosseini 24). This is one of the most important events to take place because without it, the story would not exist. Furthermore, if Amir's grandfather had not gotten the case of Hassans parents case, or not have chosen to adopt him, Amir would have never witnessed the rape, changing his entire life. -
Amir is born
In the beginning of the book, Amir says, "my mother died giving birth to me ... hemorrhaged to death during childbirth ... mother I never met"(Hosseini 6). Amir's mother died almost immediately after he was born. He never had a chance to meet her, while Hassan will meet his. However, Amir definitely lives a much more luxurious life, considering Baba's high socioeconomic status -
Sanaubar gives birth to Hassan
Amir thinks, "It was in that small shack that Hassan's mother, Sanaubar, gave birth to him one cold winter day in 1964 ... She ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers"(Hosseini 6). The reason Sanaubar ran away is because she didn't like his looks. He was born with a cleft lip, which in her society wasn't thought highly of, along with her family being Hazara and having a low socioeconomic status, all together being too much for Sanaubar to bare. -
The Taliban bans Kite Flying
The Taliban banned kite flying during their time of rule in Afghanistan, believing it to be, "un-Islamic" -
Afghan Coup D'Etat
While Zahir Shah and his family were on a stopover in Italy, "then-army commander Lieutenant General Mohammad Daoud Khan seized control in Kabul. Daoud Khan declared Afghanistan a republic, calling the coup a 'national and progressive revolution,' then declaring himself president" -
Baba pays for surgery, fixing Hassan's cleft lip
After Hassan's surgery is complete, Amir says,"the surgery went well. We were all a little shocked when they first removed the bandages ... upper lip was a grotesque mesh of swollen, raw tissue"(Hosseini 46). While this will not strongly impact Hassan's quality of life, as he will always remain a disadvantaged Hazara, this will at least lift the burden and bullying associated with the cleft lip, slightly bettering his life. -
Amir wins the kite fighting competition
During the last moments of the kite competition, Amir "fed the string, pulled up ... almost there ... loosened [his] grip on the string ... [heard] the crowd's roar ... ". Amir was able to win the competition with the help of Hassan, but he doesn't even think about him and focuses on pleasing Baba. Amir, understanding Baba's shared appreciation of kite fighting, is driven to make him proud, even at Hassan's expense. -
Hassan is raped by Assef
Amir, witnessing the rape of Hassan while hiding behind a wall describes,"pinned to the ground ... undid his own belt buckle ... Hassan didn't struggle. Didn't even whimper"(Hosseini 75). Hassan doesn't object to the rape, showing the great lengths he will go to to serve Pashtun Amir. However, this also displays loyalty between family, something Amir lacks when he considers Hassan a, "mere Hazara" being a bystander to the rape. -
Amirs last kite flying competition and Hassans last kite running
"...[Amir] saw Hassan run a kite for the last time..." in the winter of 1975. This shows what Amir remembers about Hassan and their friendship, before the rape ended their friendship, and the Taliban tore Afghanistan apart. Furthermore, the Taliban banned kite flying in Afghanistan, making it impossible and dangerous to compete -
Hassan and Ali leave Baba and Amir
After Ali tells Baba and Amir that he and Hassan have decided to leave, Baba pleads,"Why [are you] doing this ... the brother I never had ... I forbid you to do this ... Please"(Hosseini 106-107). After the constant oppression of Hazaras, the rape is the last straw for Baba and Ali. Furthermore, as they are considering leaving, Amir plants the watch, which is too far for Ali and Hassan. While Hassan still takes the blame and displays loyalty, this tares their familys apart. -
Daud Khan is killed in a pro-Soviet coup
During a disorderly Pro-Soviet coup, "General Daud is overthrown and killed ... The People's Democratic Party comes to power but is paralysed by violent infighting and faces opposition by US-backed mujahideen groups" -
Amir and Baba move to the United States
When Baba and Amir finally arrive in America, Amir describes, "Bay Area's smog stung his eyes, the traffic noise gave him headaches, and the pollen made him cough. The fruit was never sweet enough, the water never clean enough"(Hosseini 126). The noisiness of an industrial area is a complete contrast from the simple streets of Kabul, and he dose not care for the water or food, showing his love for Kabul. This also displays the changing power dynamic between Baba and Amir, in America. -
Amir meets the general.
Amire meets "...a decorated geneeral in Kabul..." (138), who is Amir's future father in law. During this year, Amir is adjusting into life in America. He begins to follow his dream of becoming a writer, even though questioned by his hard working fellow Afghans, who believe it will be a dismal career. -
Amir travels back to Afghanistan
During this year, Amir makes his way back to Aghanistan, seeking atonement and to reconnect with Rahim Khan. Amir specifically, "...went to Hazarajat to find Hassan..." (203) Amir did not know that Hassan was killed, and desperatley searched for him, seeking atonement even after he learned of his death. -
Amir feels closure
After fighting Assef, Amir states, "my body was broken-just how badly I wouldn't find out until later-but I felt healed. Healed at last" (Hosseini 289). Amir was never able to forgive himself for Hassan's rape, Amir had felt guilty because he did not stop the rape. However, because Amir gets beat up by Assef, he feels as if he is finally getting what he deserved. Furthermore, because he is able to save Sohrab and spare him from could potentially happen to him, Amir feels closure. -
Hassan and Farzana are brutally shot by the Taliban
Rahim Khan tells Amir about the Taliban killing Hassan and Farzana, "'so they took him into the street'... 'and ordered him to kneel'... 'and shot him in the back of the head'...'Farzana came screaming and attacked them'... 'shot her too.'" (Hosseini 219). Amir is absolutely shocked when he hears about this, but all he could think to say was "no". This is hard for Amir, as not only does he miss the old, peaceful Afghanistan, but feels it will now be impossible to atone for his sins. -
9/11 attack
On September 11, 2001, "hijackers commandeer four commercial airplanes and crash them into the World Trade Center Towers in New York, the Pentagon outside Washington, D.C., and a Pennsylvania field killing thousands" -
Amir threatens to break a promise to Sohrab
When Amir tells Sohrab that he might need to go back to an orphanage, Sohrab states, “‘you promised you’d never put me in one of those places, Amir agha,’ he said” (Hosseini 341). When Amir breaks a promise to a young traumatized boy, he also breaks the trust between himself and that boy, Sohrab. Amir had just gained Sohrab’s trust, and just like that, he breaks it.This shatters any feeling of atonement, something Amir is desperate to obtain, helping him to take the boy back to America -
US retaliation to 9/11 and terrorism
When the Taliban refuses to turn over bin Laden, "U.S. and British forces launch airstrikes against targets in Afghanistan" (PBS News Hour) -
Taliban refuses to stop fighting
Even after the 9/11 attack, the Taliban, "despite their defeat,... continued a guerilla warfare." (NYT) The goal of this extremist, conservative group was to gain political and economic power in Afghanistan, thus tremendously influencing the people. -
Amir and Sohrab arrive at Amir's house in America
Seven months after Amir and Sohrab arrive at Amirs house, Amir states, "[w]e arrived home... on a warm day in August 2001" (Hosseini 357). It was such a hard process for Amir to track down Sohrab and get him into America. We can assume Amir felt great atonement for adopting Hassan's son and giving him a better life in America, full of opportunities that will not be blocked by his Hazarra ethnicity. -
Sohrab's smile
In this month of 2002, an event Amir described as "...small [and] wonderous..." (363) occured. Sohrab smiled. This happened during Sohrab's first kite competition when Amir helped him win. Not only does this remind Amir of his love for kite flying and the old Afghanistan, but at last allows him to atone for his past sins. -
Afghan election
During the 2004 presidential elections, “Karzai is elected with 55 percent of the vote” (PBS News Hour). -
General Petraeus Takes A Stand
General Petraeus is a commander who took charge of the United States Central Command to attack a "...responsibility for military operations in Iraq." (New York Times) -
Obama's plan to fight terrorism in Afghanistan
President Obama gives a speech on his plan to move "...30,000 additional troops" (NYT) to aid in the war against Afghanistan, and "nation build" to lift the population from their broken homes and poverty.