TKaM timeline 1-11 Boo Radley By Justin Tapper

By 152164
  • Chapter 1

    During this chapter we are first introduced to the idea of Boo Radley in this quote "it was said that inside the house lived a malevolent phantom, people said he existed... people said that on moon filled nights he would peer outside the window of people's houses and watch them sleep." Pg. 9
  • Chapter 2

    In chapter 2, no reference to Boo Radley is made, but we are allowed to soak up information on who or what he is and gives us a chance to formulate predictions on what role he will play in the rest of the story. Pg. -----
  • Chapter 3

    In this chapter Jem and Scout talk with Walter Cunningham who says that he got sick when he ate some pecans from the Radley place and also said "folks say he pizened them and put them on the school side of the fence hinting that Boo Radley doesn't like people and that he may even enjoy hurting them. Pg. 26
  • Chapter 4

    By this time the school year has well progressed and one day at around 3:00, Scout notices a stick of gum hanging out of a knot in a tree on the Radley lot, which shows that pherhaps Boo Radley is trying to lure someone to stay by the house. Then Scout, Dill and Jem start to role play Boo Radleys life in an attempt to explain the mystery of him. Pg. 37, 43
  • Chapter 5

    In this chapter the mystery of Boo Radley deepens as Ms. Maudie explians that he's an actual person named Arthur who spent his time inside because he was a Baptist and at the time it was believed that the more time you spent studying the bible, the more likely it was to go to heaven. In an effort to further understand Arthur, the kids tried to pass a letter to him under the front door of his house but were prevented from doing so by Atticus, leaving the questions unanswered. Pg. 48, 49, 53, 54
  • Chapter 6

    The children form a plan to peek through the window of the Radley place in an attempt to see him and try to further explain the mystery surrounding him. Pg. 58
  • Chapter 7

    Jem reveals that as he was recovering his pants from the disastrous mission to see through the Radley window, the pants he had lost were untangled from the fence, patched up and neatly folded as if he was expected.
    At the same time Scout and Jem find more and more amazing objects in the knot. Showing them that Boo Radley might not be as evil as everyone says and could be looking for a friend. Pg. 65, 66
  • Chapter 8

    During Ms. Maudie's house fire Boo Radley appears behind the children while they're distracted by the fire and puts a warm blanket around Scout. This shows that Boo Radley may have a kinder side after all and not be mean. Pg.81, 82
  • Chapter 9

    In this chapter like chapter 2, the audience is allowed time to adjust to the possibility of a nicer Boo Radley and not the demon he has been portrayed as in earlier chapters. Pg. ----
  • Chapter 10

    When Calpurnia runs to the Radley house to try and warn them of the "mad" dog approaching no one answers the door or even acknowledges the warning, as if they left the house, but no one ever saw them, further adding to the mystery of Boo Radley. Pg. 107
  • Chapter 11

    Just like in chapters 2 and 9, chapter 11 contained no information to try and reveal the mystery of Boo Radley, from his behavior to the very reason why he doesn't ever leave his house. Further giving the audience time to speculate. Pg. ----