The enlightenment principles influenced the Industrial Revolution inspiring the people to want improved human rights, resulting in advancements in industries giving society balance...
Thesis continued
...similarly to the way members of the LGBTQ+ community fight for rights daily. -
John Locke 1
"The philosopher John Locke...believed that people could learn from experience and improve themselves." (Black and Beck 551) Locke was challenging new ways of thinking with his ideas of the people's rights, to change the form of government and whether or not their natural rights were being protected. The three natural rights Locke believed in were life, liberty, and property. Locke believed the monarchy form of government would not protect the people's three natural rights. -
John Locke 2
It is almost like when your parents tell you if a certain “friend” starts becoming a bad influence of not being respectful to you, you have the ability to remove them from your life. Locke believed that by improving the situation you would learn from your mistakes. -
Baron De Montesquieu
"Like Voltaire, Montesquieu believed...in which power was balanced among three groups of officials...executive power...legislative…(and) judicial power." (Black and Beck 535). Montesquieu's idea was that not only one person should not have all the power and final say. Instead, he wanted a balanced, separated power among executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Like when in a group project, one person should not have the only say in the group, or be completing all the work. -
Working Conditions
During the industrial revolution, the workforce in factories was becoming more and more popular as many people needed a job. However, as stated on history.com "Wages for those who labored in factories were low and working conditions were dangerous and monotonous...workers who had little job security and unskilled were easily replaceable." Working conditions for these people were extremely dangerous for the little amount (if any) they were given. -
Child labor
The entire idea of work labor and child labor today would be considered unconstitutional. Like said on history.org "Children were part of the labor force and often worked long hours and were used for such highly hazardous tasks as cleaning the machinery." (Moore). The idea of harsh working conditions is going completely against Locke's enlightenment idea, violating our 3 natural rights. -
Living quarters
People poured into the cities during the Industrial Revolution desperate for profit from and status. There was little to offer them in terms of housing so major building spaces were beginning to cram cheap back-to-back houses onto tiny plots and creating filthy slums for the workers to live in. These Living quarters are proving Hobbs’s enlightenment ideas because these people were under the control of very selfish individuals. -
The Effects of the Enlightenment
As said on history.com "The existence of such misery (in factories and living spaces) drew the attention of the social reformers, those with a social conscious and change began to take place...(like) the provision of public services such as water, sewerage, education, libraries, and open spaces." (Moore). Right here you can see how Locke's Enlightenment ideas were shaping the nation. -
As stated on rossway.net "the industrial revolution created social and environmental challenges, it also made scientific innovations and experiments, that allowed more people to access education, and eventually led to higher standards of living for many people as a middle class emerged." Rousseau had believed that a social contract was needed in order for the people and government to coincide which can be proven in this statement. -
Like stated on ushistory.org "State governments played a key role in encouraging both new banking institutions and a vastly increased transportation network." The enlightenment ideas impacted the government by creating a better way to successfully please the people while also reasonably regulating the public. -
Problems Created
"Not everyone thought this industrial revolution was a good thing... woman and children were employed in ways never before seen (which were good and bad depending on how you viewed it)...standards of health, hygiene and literacy fell dramatically as population figures rose (and) more babies were born but more died in infancy." (Moore). Although the enlightenment was about to change the way the industrial revolution impacted the general public, the revolution had created major problems already. -
LGBTQ+ Connection
Despite these advances into the American mainstream, however, LGBT people continue to face real discrimination in all areas of life. No federal law prevents a person from being fired or refused a job on the basis of sexual orientation. The nation's largest employer - the U.S. military - openly discriminates against gays and lesbians. Mothers and fathers lose child custody simply because they are gay or lesbian, and gay people are denied the right to marry. -
Sources Cited
INW, Amanda Moore. “Amanda Moore INW.” Intriguing History, 29 Dec. 2011, www.intriguing-history.com/industrial-revolution-source-of-enlightenment/. Editors, History.com. “Industrial Revolution.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 29 Oct. 2009, www.history.com/topics/industrial-revolution/industrial-revolution. “Science and Faith: The Industrial Revolution (Late 18th-19th Centuries).” Rossway.net -, rossway.net/science-and-faith-the-industrial-revolution/. -
Sources Cited 2
“The Impact of Enlightenment in Europe.” Ushistory.org, Independence Hall Association, www.ushistory.org/us/7a.asp. “The Impact of Enlightenment in Europe.” Ushistory.org, Independence Hall Association, www.ushistory.org/us/7a.asp. “Economic Growth and the Early Industrial Revolution.” Ushistory.org, Independence Hall Association, www.ushistory.org/us/22a.asp. -
Sources Cited 3
“The Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People.” American Civil Liberties Union, www.aclu.org/other/rights-lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgender-people.