Title 42

  • Biden takes office

    After campaigning to use more humane immigration policies than Trump, the Biden Administration leave Title 42 in place and defends it.
  • Suspending pandemic health order

    The administration announces it’s suspending the pandemic public health order that allowed officials to expel migrants swiftly at the border. The CDC says Title 42 is “no longer necessary” given current conditions.
  • Federal judge blocks administrations efforts to end Title 42

    After a federal judge in Louisiana blocks the administration’s efforts to end the policy, saying proper procedures weren’t followed, the administration says it will appeal that judge’s ruling.
  • Officials expand the use of title 42

    Title 42 now applies to Venezuelan migrants at the border while also opening up a new humanitarian parole application process. This gives Venezuelans with sponsors a legal pathway to enter the US. This reduced the number of Venezuelan migrants illegally crossing the borders.
  • Federal judge orders end of title 42

    After a federal judge orders the end of Title 42, the administration says it will comply. But later the Justice Department appeals the judge’s ruling, arguing that while in this case officials don’t believe continued use of Title 42 is justified, in the future officials should be able to implement public health restrictions at the border when appropriate.
  • Biden administration asks Supreme Court to end title 42

    The government recognizes that the end of the Title 42 orders will likely lead to disruption and a temporary increase in unlawful border crossings. The government in no way seeks to minimize the seriousness of that problem, But the solution to that immigration problem cannot be to extend indefinitely a public-health measure that all now acknowledge has outlived its public-health justification.”
  • Supreme Court order requires officials to keep title 42

    After a Supreme Court order requires officials to keep Title 42 in place while legal challenges play out, the administration says the policy will remain in effect and “individuals who attempt to enter the United States unlawfully will continue to be expelled to Mexico or their home country.”
  • New system for Cuban, Haitian and Nicaraguan immigrants

    Due to success of its Venezuela program, officials announce that migrants from Cuba, Haiti and Nicaragua will now be subjected to a similar system. Those who don’t follow that legal pathway will be expelled under Title 42.