Alex III
Alexander clung to the principles of autocracy, a form of government in which he had total power. He was very harsh on the people. -
Nicholas II
He continued the tradition of Russian autocracy. -
Russian Marxists
The more moderate Mensheviks wanted a broad base of popular support for the revolution. Bolsheviks supported a small number of committed revolutionaries willing to sacrifice everything for change. Lenin was the major leader of the Bolsheviks. -
Bloody Sunday
A massive group of familes and workers approached czar's Winter Palace. The people were striking for better working conditions and more personal freedom. About 100 people were wounded. -
First Meeting of the Duma
The leders were monarchs who wanted Russia to become a consitutional monarchy similar to Britian. -
The First Duma
Nicholas promised more freedom and created the Duma. The Duma is Russias first parliament. -
World War I: The Final Blow
Nicholas II made the fateful decision to drag Russia into World War I. They were not prepared to handle the military. As more years passed more than 4 million soldiers had passed. -
Death of Rasputin
Rasputin was a holy man and claimed to have magical healing powers. In 1916 a group of nobles decided to murder him. They feared his increase role if governent affairs. -
The March Revolution
Ladies that worked in the textile industries went on strike. Local protestes started an uprising. This forced Czar to abdicate his throne. -
The Provisional Government Topples
Factory workers were revolting and callin them the Bolshevik Red Guards. They took over government offices and arrested the leaders of the provisional government. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russia and Germany signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Russia surrendered a large part of its territoy to Germany. -
Civil War
Western nations (including U.S.) sent military aid and sent fores to help with the White Army. This was little help and many Russions die. The Bolsheviks victory showed they could seize power and matain it. -
New Economic Policy
Lenin temporarily put aside his plan for a state-controlled economy. NEP, New Economic Policy, allowed pesants to sell their surplus crops instead of turning them into the government. The government took control over many things. -
Lenin Stroke and Stalin Gains Power
Trotsky and Stalin were the two most loyal men. Stalin was cold, hard, and impersonal. He came into attack when Lein had a stroke. He changed his name so it could mean, man of stell. -
Stalin Gains Total Control
By 1928 Stalin was in total command of The Communist Party. Trotsky was forced into exile and no longer a threat. He stood to wield power absolutue power as a dictator.