April 2, 1912. The unsinkable ship leaves the dock to test out the ship to test its speed, how it turns, and a emergency stop incase of emergencies.At 8 in the afternoon the Titanic heads out. -
Titanic loads up
April 3 through the tenth the titanic hires a crew and loads up "The Titanic - Timeline Of Its First and Only Voyage." 2009. 24 Sep. 2014 http://history1900s.about.com/od/1910s/a/titanictimeline.htm -
The passengers get on and the ship leaves
"The Titanic - Timeline Of Its First and Only Voyage." 2009. 24 Sep. 2014 April 10, 1912, At about 9:30 in the morning to about 11:30 in the morning, the passengers get on the ship. At 12:00 the Titanic left to complete it’s voyage. -
Titanic hits an ice berg
Four days after leaving the dock at about 11:40 April 14,she had hit an iceberg "The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 - EyeWitness to History." 2003. 25 Sep. 2014 http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/titanic.htm -
All the passengers were given a life jacket life would be short in the icy cold water.
"The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 - EyeWitness to History." 2003. 25 Sep. 2014 http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/titanic.htm -
Titanic John
John Thayer saw the Titanic sinking from a life boat he said ,that people were clinging together like fire ants clinging together. "The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 - EyeWitness to History." 2003. 25 Sep. 2014 http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/titanic.htm -
April 15 1912 In the morning the carpathia had come to the recue for about seven hundred and five people were rescued. "The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 - EyeWitness to History." 2003. 25 Sep. 2014 http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/titanic.htm -
About one thousand five hundred people were lost. "The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 - EyeWitness to History." 2003. 25 Sep. 2014 http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/titanic.htm -
Lots of the crew members and passengers were lost due to the lifeboat count ther were only twenty
"The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 - EyeWitness to History." 2003. 25 Sep. 2014 http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/titanic.htm