
  • Building Titanic

    Building Titanic
    In March of !909 Titanic was built.
    Titanic was built in Belfast North Ireland.
  • Finishing Up Titanic

    Finishing Up Titanic
    RMS Titanic is completeley built in 1912
    It took three years to build RMS Titanic.
  • Set Sail

    Set Sail
    Titanic sets sail for its first maiden voyage in 1912.
    The trip went from Southampton, England to New York City.
  • Iceburg Ahead

    Iceburg Ahead
    At 9:00am, Titanic crew was warned of ice ahead.
    They didn't pay any attention to the warning.
  • Titanic gets Hit

    Titanic gets Hit
    Titanic gets hit by an iceburg that evening.
    They were hit only an hour or so after the warning.
  • HELP!

    When Titanic stared to go down, they sent out help signals.
    They were one of the first to use the S.O.S. signal.
  • Down She Goes

    Down She Goes
    Titanic is sinkinng and is sunk early the next day.
    There were not enough lifeboats for the passengers.
  • Lost Lives

    Lost Lives
    About 1500 people died from the sinking.
    They died from the cold water.
  • Rescued

    The Carpathia came to the scene and saved the survivors.
    There were about 700 survivors from the sinking.