Bailout Bankruptcy GM and Chrysler
General motors and Chrysler declared bankruptcy so they could start over bigger and better. They declared bankruptcy because their sale we at 10 million cars sold and just to break even they need to sell 16 million cars. they also had to close down 11 factories and idle 3. Over this time 1 million jobs were lost. Obama came into General motors and Chrysler and made it possible for them to get about $30 million to restart the company and get jobs back. Obama was Chief Guardian of Economy Wh -
Bailout Bankruptcy- GM and Chrysler
When Obama came to help he wanted to get more jobs for people but that didn’t happen and to this day they don’t have all the jobs they use too. Also Obama did make the company successful again and got some people to get there job back. -
Gun Control Fort Hood, Texas
It was a thursday when all this went down, a shooting in Fort Hood, Texas at an Army post. Total there were 12 solders, 1 civilian and 38 wounded. Major Nidal Malik Hasan was the shooter he was a licensed Army psychiatrist. Afterwards they found out that he has personal guns and they were not registered at the post and also that he had fired 100 rounds. They think that the reason for the shooting was because he was taunted after September 11th and he also had behavior issues. Obama got the FBI -
Gun Control- Fort hood, Texas
Obama got the FBI involved to investigate the situation. Commander Chief The people of America thought that Obama didn’t do enough when the shooting happened. -
Don’t ask, don’t tell laws
The don’t ask don’t tell law is about United States Armed Forces and how the don’t need to know or ask about their homosexual. But if they chose to tell somebody that person has to keep there mouth shut and can’t tell anyone about what they know.
Obama thought it wasn’t fair that it was based on their homosexual. Obama thinks that no matter what it shouldn’t matter if you wanna serve then let them serve.
Commander Chief
Some of the people don’t like this idea about being with each other when -
Don’t ask, don’t tell laws
other when they have different homosexuality than themselves. -
Osama Bin Laden's Death
Al Qaeda member Osama bin laden was killed on May 2 2011 by special U.S forces. They sbegan the raid on May 1st around the afternoon. Osama was hiding out in a 3 story building that was surrounded by an 8ft - 9ft wall and wire. -
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Through the course of nine years, countless lives had been lost but we had successfully captured and killed the Al- Qaeda supporter Sassam Hussein. The Iraqi people with our help had learn how to fend and protect themselves from the Al-Qaeda threat. When the last troop had left Iraq that was the conclusion of Operation Iraqi Freedom. -
Operation Iraqi Freedom
This began in March 19, 2003 and was a weapons check on WMDs (weapns of mass destrucition), it escalated to the point where Iraq had become danderous because of one man and his followers. The purpose was to install a democratic government to replace the tyrant known as Suddam Hussein and bring peace. It was Obama's commander and chief duty to make the decision to finally bring our troops home and we achieved that on December 18, 2011 -
Gun Control Sandy Hook
It was about 9:30am when the police got the call about Sandy Hook elementary Newtown connecticut, that there was a shooter in the building. By the time the cops got there 20 year old Adam Lanza had killed himself along with 20 children that were under the age of 7 and 6 adults. The cops then later talked to Adam’s father. His father said that his mother collected guns but Adam had only been to the gun range once and he had no criminal record. Obama said that these shootings need to stop and t -
Gun Control- Sandy Hook
Obama said that these shootings need to stop and there has been to many shootings in the past 2 year and that this must end. Chief Legislator
That schools would become more safe, but also the public would get mad because they can’t have guns so they can’t defend themselves but, yet schools can. -
Boston Bombibg
It was on April 15, 2013. 4 hours after the bombings obama gave a speech talking about how they were going to catch the ones responsible and find out their reasoning. They identify the suspects as 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev and 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, brothers from Cambridge, Massachusetts. The older brother dies during his arrest and Dzhokhaer awaits trial. Obama’s action that he took was that he had the federal police looking for the suspects. The consequences on his choices were t -
Boston Bombing
The consequences on his choices were that they caught the suspects and now they are awaiting trial. Chief executive was his duty due to him having to make executive orders for law enforcement. -
Minumum Wage
His chief executive duty gives him the right to sign these orders. The consequences of this were great because it benefited all americans. -
Minumum Wage
In 2014 Obama called on congress to raise the minimum wage. He intends on raising the minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $10.10/hr. He signed an executive order for individuals working on new federal services contracts. Republicans still continue to not allow president Obama’s proposal. State legislators, governors, city councils, and business owners have agreed and done it. Raising the minimum wage would benefit all americans. The action that Obama took was that he signed an executive order.