
  • treaty of tripoli-George Washington

    treaty of tripoli-George Washington
  • embargo act of 1807-Thomas Jefferson

    embargo act of 1807-Thomas Jefferson
  • era of good feelings-James Madison

    era of good feelings-James Madison
  • missouri compromise-James Monroe

    missouri compromise-James Monroe
  • mexican american war-James K. Polk

    mexican american war-James K. Polk
  • gettysburg address-Abraham Lincoln

    gettysburg address-Abraham Lincoln
  • alaska purchase treaty-Andrew Johnson

    alaska purchase treaty-Andrew Johnson
  • open door policy-William McKinley

    open door policy-William McKinley
  • algeciras conference-Theodore Roosevelt

    algeciras conference-Theodore Roosevelt
  • 14 points-Woodrow Wilson

    14 points-Woodrow Wilson
  • kellogg briand pact-Calvin Coolidge

    kellogg briand pact-Calvin Coolidge
  • stock market crash-Calvin Coolidge

    stock market crash-Calvin Coolidge
  • new deal-Franklin D. Roosevelt

    new deal-Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • g.i bill first passed-Franklin D. Roosevelt

    g.i bill first passed-Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • yalta conference-Franklin D. Roosevelt

    yalta conference-Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • korean war began-Harry S. Truman

    korean war began-Harry S. Truman
  • brown vs board of education-Harry S. Truman

    brown vs board of education-Harry S. Truman
  • peaceful atomic energy cooperation act-Dwight D. Eisenhower

    peaceful atomic energy cooperation act-Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • eisenhower doctrine-Dwight D. Eisenhower

    eisenhower doctrine-Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • cuban missile crisis-John F. Kennedy

    cuban missile crisis-John F. Kennedy
  • great society-Lyndon B. Johnson

    great society-Lyndon B. Johnson
  • fall of saigon-Gerald Ford

    fall of saigon-Gerald Ford
  • iran hostage crisis-Jimmy Carter

    iran hostage crisis-Jimmy Carter
  • strategic defense initiative-Ronald Reagan

    strategic defense initiative-Ronald Reagan
  • fall of the berlin wall-Ronald Reagan

    fall of the berlin wall-Ronald Reagan
  • oslo accords-Bill Clinton

    oslo accords-Bill Clinton
  • patriot act passed-Bill Clinton

    patriot act passed-Bill Clinton
  • affordable healthcare act-Barack Obama

    affordable healthcare act-Barack Obama
  • joint comprehensive plan of action-Barack Obama

    joint comprehensive plan of action-Barack Obama