TimeToast Timeline

  • Slavery

    Slavery Forced Labor
    Became An "Unecessary Evil", and a "Peculiar Institution" in the South
    North Hate It! South LOVE IT!
  • States Rights

    Theory Of Nullification (South Carolina Not Wanting To Pay Tarrif) *Jackson * Calhoun
    10th Amendment
    Virginia & Kentucky Resolution *Adams
  • Sectionalism

    Love Of Region
    People Want What's Best For Them, Not The Nation As A Whole
    Mostly In The South
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Enters Union As Slave State
    Maine Enters As A Free State
    Re-Examine Issue With Slavery As U.S.A. Adds Territories
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    First Book About Slavery
    Stowe Showed Seeration Of Slaves & Families.\
    North Love IT! South HATE IT!
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Overturned Missouri Compromise
    Used Popular Sovereignty to determine slave or free state.
    Pro-Salve Clash
  • Compromise Of 1850

    California Enters As Free State
    Allows Popular Sovereignty To Decide Debate Over Slavery.
    End Slave Trade In D.C.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Part Of Comp. Of 1850
    Slavery Owners Go North To Find Run Aways
    South Loved! North Hated It!
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Result Of K-11 Act
    Abolitionists & Pro Slave Rush To Kansas To Vote.
    Fought On And Off For 2 Years
  • Republican Party Formed

    Know Nothings
  • John Brown's Raid On Harpers Ferry

    It Wasn't Successful
    All Captured And Hanged
    North he was a Hero, Martyr. South he was a Terrorist ! Mercenary.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Debate expansion of slaves
    Lincoln Was Against Expansion Of Slave In New Territories
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford

    Slaves Are Property
    Slaves Can Live Anywhere
  • Brooks Attacks Sumner

    Shows Brutal Side
    Brooks Of S.C. hits Sumner With a Cane during Slavery Debate
  • Lincoln Calls Up Volunteers To Fight!

    C.S.A. Forms Army
    Lincoln Increased Troops
    Led to first battle Of Bull Run
  • Firing On Ft. Sumter, S.C.

    First Shots Of Civil War
    C.S.A. tries to capture guns.
    Lincoln Sent food and supplies
  • Secession Of Southern States

    S.C. Starts Secession
    Others Follow And Form The C.S.A.
    Their President Is Jefferson Davis
  • Election Of 1860

    Lincoln Won
    The Electoral College Got Him In
    Voted In Without Any Southern Votes!