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Timetoast Summative

By bnc102
  • Ernest Holmes

    Ernest Holmes
    Ernest Holmes was a mechanic who got a call one day in 1916. HIs old business school professor had driven his truck off the road and it ended up upside down into a creek bed. Holmes eventually got the truck out, but it took eight hours and ten men. This is what gave him the idea of a Tow Truck.
  • First attempt to build Tow truck

    First attempt to build Tow truck
    Ernest Holmes to a regular 1913 Cadillac and made some small adjustments with adding a pulley system. He would however be let down when his first version failed him. He didn't let him affect him and he found out what he needed to do next.
  • Education needed

    Education needed
    The only education needed is highschool
  • Ernest Holmes' second try

    Ernest Holmes' second try
    Holmes made improvements to his previous design by adding stabilizers so that the tow truck wouldn't fall or flip when pulling the other truck. By 1919 he had secured a patent and was selling branded wreckers, which were mounted on the backs of used cars. His first successful production model was the Holmes 485.
  • Ford Model T towtruck

    Ford Model T towtruck
    Soon after the modified version of Ernest Holmes tow truck came the Ford model T tow truck. This was just a modified version of Holmes'. This had one pulley system in the center of the truck with two stabilizers instead of two pulley systems and two stabilizers.
  • Dodge plymouth tow truck

    Dodge plymouth tow truck
    After the Ford model T, there was the Dodge plymouth tow truck. This had a much more advanced pulley system. This model didn't use ropes, it used chain and one hook. After this the people continued to add modifications to the tow truck.
  • Holmes Wrecker

    Holmes Wrecker
    In 1979 there was another improvement to the truck. The Holmes wrecker was made and it no longer needed stabilizers. This was because of the pulley system had been improved to the winch and they could easily start pulling vehicles out now.
  • Most popular modern day tow truck

    Most popular modern day tow truck
    The most popular modern day tow truck is the flatbed tow truck. The main reason is for the simplicity and that you can tow bigger and heavier vehicles with it.
  • salary for job

    salary for job
    The average salary for tow truck drivers today is about $12.50 per hour..
  • Other modern day tow truck/ Boom tow truck

    Other modern day tow truck/ Boom tow truck
    This type of equipment consists of a boom winch that is used to pull damaged or defective vehicles from a ditch or place that is hard for reaching.
  • Modern day tow truck-Hook and chain/Belt lift Tow Truck

    Modern day tow truck-Hook and chain/Belt lift Tow Truck
    This tow truck is using chains that are placed around the frame of the vehicle which allows the vehicle to be pulled. This towing type can scratch and damage the frame of the vehicle which is why lately not a practiced option for towing.
  • Modern day tow truck-Integrated/Self Loader/Repo Truck

    Modern day tow truck-Integrated/Self Loader/Repo Truck
    This Is a combination of wheel lift and boom tow truck into one unit.
  • How the workplace is

    How the workplace is
    You work for towing companies, auto body shops, and local governments. working outdoors in all kinds of weather and you may have to deal with angry vehicle owners. You also often work night and evening shifts, overtime, and weekends
  • Skills needed

    Skills needed
    Since you have to deal with some flat tires etc. you have to be things like: mechanically inclined, self-motivated, responsible, a clean criminal record, and a clean driving record.
  • Modern dat tow truck/Wheel-Lift tow truck

    Modern dat tow truck/Wheel-Lift tow truck
    This is actually a hook and chain tow truck that evolved and changed the towing practice with metal yoke instead of the chains that are placing around the vehicle. The metal yoke can be easily placed in the front or at the rear of the vehicle. The system of the wheel lift truck is actually lifting the drivable wheels. The only touching area is the wheels. This is more safely way of towing which prevents the vehicle surface from damage.