Jackson's Birth
Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1757, in the Waxhawks region in between North and South Carolina. -
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
The Battle of Horseshoes Bend was a major battle in the Creek War, a battle taking place during the War of 1812. The battle was fought in the Mississippi Territory. The goal of this battle was to clear the Mississippi Territory for American settlement. -
Battle of New Orleans
The Battle of New Orleans was the final battle in the War of 1812, and lasted from January 8, 1815, and ended January 26, 1815 -
Election of 1824
The election of 1824 included the candidates Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, and William Crawford. Adams won the election, but Andrew Jackson considered the election a "corrupt bargin" because Henry Clay used his influence to persuade representatives to vote for Adams. -
Nullification Crisis
The Nullification Crisis took place when South Carolina declared the Tariff of 1828 illegal by passing the Nullification Act. The Tariff of 1828 was a tariff that was designed to protect the U.S. industry by increasing tariffs on goods from Europe. This tariff was harmful to Southern planters. South Carolina was so upset about the tariff that they threatened to secede. The crisis was resolved with Henry Clay designing a compormise to keep both parites happy. -
Election 1828
After losing the election of 1824, Jackson came back and won the election of 1828 by a landslide. He won this election so easily because of the alligations he made about his opponent in the election of 1824. -
Indian Removal Act
The Indian Removal Act was Andrew Jackson's plan to remove the Indians from Mississippi and western Alabama. Jackson wanted this in order to advance the states in population, wealth, and power. Some tribes went peacefully, but most of them decided o rebel. -
Worcester v. Georgia
Worcester v. Georgia was a court case between Sam Worcester and the State of Georgia. Georgia had passed laws that stated that if you were not a Native American then you could not settle in Indian Territory. Same Woreceaster was told that he and his family would have to be removed from their land because it had been marked as Indain Territory. Woreceaster believed that Georgia didn't have a right to do that since the land wasn't even theirs. So he took his care to court. -
Bank War
The Bank War was the campaign started by Andrew Jackson to destroy the bank of America. The Bank of America was started by Alexander Hamilton, and the purpose of the Bank was to regulate economic policies. Andrew Jackson didn't like the Bank of America because he believed it was too powerful. The Bank War ended with Andrew Jackson vetoing the bank when its next charter was up for renewal.