War in Greece ended (day not accurate) B.C.)
Athens surrendered (day not accurate) B.C.)
Athens was defeated by Sparta (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Sparta and Athens signed a truce (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Golden age of Athens (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Sparta declared war on Athens (day not accurate) (B.C.)
War in Greece started (Day not accurate) (B.C.)
The plebeians forced the patricians to have all laws written down. (day not accurate) (B.C.)
The plebeians forced the patricians to have all laws written down (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Athens emerged to Delian League and lead to the growth of 200 city-states (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Athens became leader of the Delian League (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Peloponnesion League formed an alliance with Sparta's head of league of allied city-states to provide protection and security for it's members (Day not accurate) (B.C.)
Cleithens broke the power between nobility by the organization of 10 groups based on their location (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Direct Democacy practiced in Athens (day not accurate) (B.C.)
The Persian War began between the greek and persian empire (day not accurat) (B.C.)
Persians defeated Ionia (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Confucius was born in China (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Siddhartha Gautama was born in Nepal (day not accurate) (B.C.E.)
Jan 1, 600
Sparta had the most powerful army in Greece. The Spartan people paid a high price for military supremacy (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 600
Greece had the most powerful army (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 621
The first democratic a nobleman, Draco took power (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 621
Draco developed a legal code based on ideas of Athens (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 650
Messanians revolted against Spartans (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 725
Sparta conqured Messenia (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 725
Messenians became peasants forced to stay on the land and work (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 750
No written record (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 771
Nomads from the North and West came in to attack the Zhou capital and murder the Zhou monarch (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 1000
The Zhou brought the Mandate of heaven to power (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 1027
the Shang Dynasty ended (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 1027
Zhou overthrew the Shang Dynasty (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 1100
Trojan War ended and the cities were in ruins (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 1100
Upper and Lower Egypt split, calling for a new ruling (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 1122
During Zhou Dynasty there were two important philosphers named Confucius and Lao Tsu (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 1200
sea riders attacked and burned mycenaean cities. They were invaded and became weaker (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 1200
Mycenaeans fought a 10 year war against Troy (day not accurate) (B.C)
Jan 1, 1275
Marco Polo surved for Kublai (day not accurate)
Jan 1, 1300
Renaissance started (day not accurate)
Jan 1, 1368
The Ming Dynasty developed exquisit arts and crafts (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 1500
The Aryans moved into the Indus Vally (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 1500
Aryans came into the Indus valley and Indian civilizations grow again under the influence of the nomads (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Jan 1, 1530
Babylonia is conquered by the Kassites (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Renaissance ended (day not accurate)
Chinese had their own written language (day not accurate) (B.C.)
The Hyksos ruled Egypt (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Palenstine people moved accross the isthmus of Suez to China (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Shang Dynasty rose- first to leave written record (day not accurate) (B.C.)
the cities near the river suffered great disasters (day not accurate) (B.C.)
The Babylonian reached its peak during the reign of Hammurabi (day not accurate) (B.C.)
the quality of building in Indus Valley declined, starting the end of the Indus vally civilization (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Shang Dynasty developed fine metalwork (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Hammurabi had a code of laws created due to the unsafe village (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Babylonian empire came to its’ end during the rise of Hammurabi (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Harappan created a written language with about 400 symbols (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Ceaser became dictator for life (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Roman forces under Pompey conqured Judea after months of fighting (day not accurate) (B.C.)
The Good Emperors established itself on the Roman throne (day not accurate)
The Chinese first dynasty, the Xia dynasty was created (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Monsoons dominated India’s climates. They suffered anything from a blowing of dry air to blowing of great moisture and rain (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Nomadic worriers invaded Mesopotamia (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Settlements grew into China's forst cities (day not accurate) (B.C.)
The Grand Cathedral was built in the Sui Dynasty which began in 381 C.E. (day not accurate)
Confucius died (day not accurate) (B.C.)
The Tang Dynasty developed literature and the arts (day not Accurate) (B.C.)
The Song Dynasty developed poetry, painting, and calligraphy (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Persiand defeated at battle of Plataea (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Xerxes, the son of Darius, in vaded Athens (day not accurate) (B.C.)
the Persian fleet carried 25,000 men across the Aegean Sea and landed northeast of Athens (day not accurate) (B.C.)
the grand canal was built, helping expansion and trading products (day not accurate)
The Etruscans ruled Rome (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Sargon’s dynasty came to an end due to violence, invasions, and a famine (day not accurate) (B.C..)
the power of the Pharaohs declined, marking the end of the Old Kingdom (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Cuneiform was created by Sumerians (day not accurate) B.C.)
Sargon developed the city-states of Sumer (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Indus Valley created an impressive city plan(day not accurate) (B.C.)
Indus Valley filled their streets with buildings made of oven baked bricks, developed a plumbing and sewage system (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Egyptians built pyramids as burial sites for the pharaohs (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Sumerians believed their many gods controlled different forces of nature- built impressive zigerotts (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Arithmetic, geometry, architectural innovations, and Cuneiform were formed by Sumerians (day not accurate) (B.C.)
another civilization arose around Pakistan and part of India (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Sumarian city-states under the rule of dynasties (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Another civilization arose around Packistan and part of India (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Settlers gather and traded ideas within Sumerian city-states. Cultural diffusion helped other cultures to experience new things and improve based on what they learned from others (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Start of the Old Kingdom (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Pharaohs became Egypt's kings and were viewed as gods (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Egyptians developed a system of written numbers (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Sumerians built Uruk, Kish, Langash, Umma, and Ur. These city states were the beginning of civilization (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Wars began to develop and priests were responsible for their own government while military leaders lead the city (day not accurate) (B.C.)
sumarians built Uruk, Kish, Lagash,Umma,and Ur (day not accurate) (B.C.)
The Minoand lived on the large Greek island of Crete and created elegant civilization (day not accurate) (B.C.)
The Egyptians developed hieroglyphics (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Villages farmed along the Indus River (day not accurate) ( BiC.)
The Villages of Egypt were under control of Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt (day not accurate) (B.C.)
Sargon’s dynasty came to an end due to violence, invasions, and a famine- end of the first empire (day not accurate) (B.C.)
People were farming along the Indus River (day not accurate) (B.C.)