timetoast 1

  • whiskey rebellion- George Washington

    whiskey rebellion- George Washington
  • Jay Treaty- George Washington

    Jay Treaty- George Washington
  • treaty of mortefontaine- John Adams

    treaty of mortefontaine- John Adams
  • Thomas Jefferson- Louisiana purchase

    Thomas Jefferson- Louisiana purchase
  • tariff of abominations- Andrew Jackson

    tariff of abominations- Andrew Jackson
  • panics of 1837 & 1839- Martin Van Buren

    panics of 1837 & 1839- Martin Van Buren
  • Oregon treaty- James K. Polk

    Oregon treaty- James K. Polk
  • Clayton-bulwer treaty- Zachary Taylor

    Clayton-bulwer treaty- Zachary Taylor
  • Kanagawa Treaty- Franklin Pierce

    Kanagawa Treaty- Franklin Pierce
  • civil war- Abraham Lincoln

    civil war- Abraham Lincoln
  • boxer rebellion- William McKinley

    boxer rebellion- William McKinley
  • big stick diplomacy- William McKinley

    big stick diplomacy- William McKinley
  • square deal- Theodore Roosevelt

    square deal- Theodore Roosevelt
  • federal reserve act- William Howard Taft

    federal reserve act- William Howard Taft
  • Veracruz incident- Woodrow Wilson

    Veracruz incident- Woodrow Wilson
  • Calvin Coolidge- Dawes Plan

    Calvin Coolidge- Dawes Plan
  • great depression ended- Herbert Hoover

    great depression ended- Herbert Hoover
  • neutrality Act of 1937- Franklin D. Roosevelt

    neutrality Act of 1937- Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Marshall plan- Harry Truman

    Marshall plan- Harry Truman
  • fair deal- Harry S. Truman

    fair deal- Harry S. Truman
  • SEATO- Dwight D. Eisenhower

    SEATO- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • peace corps- Dwight Eisenhower

    peace corps- Dwight Eisenhower
  • alliance for progress- John F. Kennedy

    alliance for progress- John F. Kennedy
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- Lyndon Johnson

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- Lyndon Johnson
  • Watergate- Richard Nixon

    Watergate- Richard Nixon
  • SALT- Richard Nixon

    SALT- Richard Nixon
  • camp david accords- Jimmy Carter

    camp david accords- Jimmy Carter
  • Iran-Contra Affair- Ronald Reagan

    Iran-Contra Affair- Ronald Reagan
  • persian gulf war- George H.W. Bush

    persian gulf war- George H.W. Bush
  • 9/11- Bill Clinton

    9/11- Bill Clinton