1000 note bus2

Timeling of U.S. Banking History

  • 1st Bank of the United States

    1st Bank of the United States
    The first national bank of the united states is established by the Federalists; chartered for a term of 20 years
  • Period: to

    1st Bank of the United States

    The first national bank of the united states is established by the Federalists; chartered for a term of 20 years
  • Period: to

    Wildcat Era

    Free banking era. There was no centralized banking or currencey. No federally regulated banks
  • 2nd Bank of the United States

    2nd Bank of the United States
    The second hamiltonian national bank established by the federal government
  • Period: to

    2nd Bank of the United States

  • National Banking Acts

    National Banking Acts
    see time span
  • Period: to

    National Banking Acts

    The two national banking acts gave the government power over banking once more
  • Gold Standard created

    Gold Standard created
    see time span
  • Period: to

    National Gold Standard

    All money was backed by gold and currency was trusted by the people
  • Federal Reserve Bank Established

    The 'central bank' was created. Gave loans to other banks
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    see time span
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

    Due to the extensive loans given out during the 20's to risky buisnesses and individuals who were unable to pay back loans the stock market crashed
  • Period: to

    Heavy Government Regulation

    Banks were heavily regulated by the united states government
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
    Insures that money is given back to the people who lost it, established more confidence in the american banking system
  • Period: to

    Deregulation of Banking

    The national and minor banks do not face as many laws and regulations.
  • Deregulation of Banking

    Deregulation of Banking
    see time span
  • Period: to

    Savings and Loan Crisis

    Due to a high volume of loans not being paid back the banks face a financial crisis
  • Period: to

    Savings and Loan Crisis

    Many bad loans were given and intrest rates were raised to an all time high causing a banking crisis

    The FIRREA wsa created to be able to better regulate and monitor loans (Financial Institutions Recovery & Reinforcement Act