Timeline with attitude

  • Vimy Ridge +1

    Vimy Ridge +1
    Vimy Ridge is one of the great battles fought during World War 1 from 9 to 12 April in 1917. This battle helped Canadian troops win the battle on the Western Front, the legacy of the Canadians who accomplished so much in that important battle still lives on today. This was progress for Canada because it proved the might of Canada. I chose the battle of Vimy Ridge because it shows the military power of Canada during those times compared to other countries that were defeated by Canada.
  • Income tax +1

    Income tax +1
    Income tax is the tax that is deducted from a citizen’s yearly income. Introduced during WW1, it was used to pay off collateral damages. Income taxes later on became common for everything. This was progress for Canada because it made the economy more efficient and stable due to good amounts of tax being collected. I chose this because it shows the stability of the economy during the roaring 1920’s.
  • Radio +2

    Radio +2
    Radio is the technology of signaling and communicating using radio waves. After being introduced in WW1 the radio became a common feature in homes. Many radio stations started to appear during the roaring 1920’s, the radio conveyed news, serial stories, music, and etc to the public. This was progress for Canada due to information being available in audio form through radio. I chose this topic because it shows how Canada developed itself more with the use of radio.
  • Insulin +2

    Insulin +2
    Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas, a gland located behind the stomach, insulin allows the body to use glucose. This was progress for Canada because it impacted the lives of Canadians by providing health care for people who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Insulin helped people with less insulin in their body produce it by consuming or injecting insulin in them. I chose insulin because it shows how medical care during the roaring 1920’s was developing and how advanced it had become.
  • Autonomy +2

    Autonomy +2
    Autonomy is the condition of being independent. It impacted Canada positively because Canada as a country had social autonomy all throughout the 1920’s and 30’s. This was progress for Canada due to it being independent from other countries countries and having its very own government. I chose autonomy because it is something that made Canada its very own country.
  • Chinese exclusion act -1

    Chinese exclusion act -1
    The Chinese exclusion act of 1923 banned immigration for Chinese immigrants for 24 years, Chinese people were singled out completely for entering the country on the basis of race. This was decline for Canada because the country was racist towards Chinese people. The only exceptions to Chinese people entering Canada were if they were students, and Canadian born Chinese returning from education in China. I chose this to show how discriminatory Canada was towards Chinese people.
  • Automobile +2

    Automobile +2
    An automobile is wheel based transportation that is used to transport people instead of goods. The automobile was a great invention and was progress for Canada due to its success and numbers around not only Canada but also the entire world. It helped transport people in a faster and more convenient way to their destinations. I chose this because it shows how the automobile is the greatest invention during the roaring 1920’s due to its worldwide success.
  • Americanization +1

    Americanization +1
    Americanization in Canada means to commit activities that were designed for the residents of the United States. When Canada was cutting ties with Britain, it was swayed by American influence in its inventions, culture, and trends. This was progress for Canada because the United States had good economy and culture which means it had good influence on Canada. I chose Americanization because it shows Canada became more developed throughout the years during the 1920’s.
  • KKK(Ku Klux Klan) -2

    KKK(Ku Klux Klan) -2
    The KKK is an American white supremacist, right-wing terrorist, and hate group whose primary targets are people of color and immigrants. The KKK was never really popular across Canada but gained brief attention in Saskatchewan. This was decline in progress for Canada due to the pure racism the KKK was spreading and showing white supremacy towards other races. I chose the KKK to show how badly it impacted Canadians and how the KKK tried to gather more members.
  • Women were legally persons +2

    Women were legally persons +2
    Womans were legally considered persons in 1929. During the roaring 1920’s this was the most remarkable woman’s rights movement, and throughout the decade women were officially recognized as legal persons in Canada. This was progress for Canada because it made more job opportunities available for women which meant higher income for Canadian families. I chose this because it showed equal rights for both genders during the 1920’s in Canada.