Preparing for the War (political)
I rank this a (-1). 600,000 people were recruited to participate in the war. These people faced horrible conditions and an imminent threat of death. Many were affected psychologically and physically. The dreams of some of the war being heroic and glorious quickly disappeared. Some men were forced to volunteer even if they did not want to. This produced decline in Canada. -
Enemy Aliens (social)
I rank this a (-2). Astro-Hungarians were forced to work under harsh conditions with little pay. These people were demonized by the media and their business' were attacked for no good reason. The worst that their only way of being heard was voting and that was also secretly taken away. If Canada is doing this then they are close to being as bad as the Germans in Europe. This produced a decline in Canada but was effective to meet with the demands of war. -
Women on the Home Front (economic)
I rank this (-2). Women they would only be given the right to vote if they sacrificed themselves and worked long hours. The historical viewpoint of men at this time was that women did not have the right to vote. So a compromise was made so that only the women that worked in the factories and picking fruits were allowed to vote but this was temporary. This is not progression because all women should have been allowed to vote back then. This produced a decline in Canada. -
Battle of Vimy Ridge (political)
I rank this a (1). This battle saw many casualties for both sides. Though this happened this was great for Canada. A black soldier contributed to this great and others like him received recognition. This helped increase equality and the image of everyone being equal. This produced progress in Canada. -
The Halifax Explosion (economic)
I rate this (-2). The Halifax Harbour was very busy back during the war. The city had a hard time controlling it. Collisions between ships occurred frequently. One of these collisions were between a ship carrying supplies and another with explosives. This caused a massive explosion which was the biggest of its time. The harbour was flattened and 1500 people died. This produced a decline in Canada. -
End of the War (political)
I rate this (-1). Working conditions during this time were terrible and the economy was doing poorly. This caused strikes and protests. Also hunger was rampant. This produced a decline in Canada. -
Canadian Hospital Attacked (political)
I rate this (-1) A German U-boat (submarine) torpedoed the Llandovery Castle. Of the 258 people on board, only 24 survived, all 14 nursing sisters, including Mae Belle Sampson, were dead. This was a horrible tragedy that should not have happened. This produced a decline in Canada. -
Chinese Immigration Act (political)
I rate this (-2). Chinese people during the "roaring twenties" were discriminated. This act was made to prohibit Chinese from entering and immigrating to Canada. If you also wanted to visit Canada you would have needed to pay $500. The "roaring twenties" weren't very roaring for some. This produced a decline in Canada. -
Women in Sports (social)
I rank this (+2). During the "roaring twenties" women were increasingly participating in sports and winning many awards. Bobby Rosenfeld was a famous athlete and a role model for many girls and women. This was helping the image of women and how they were as capable as men. This produced progress in Canada. -
Women in the Senate (political/social)
I rate this (+2). Women were being allowed to vote and could be elected in the Canadian Senate. This helped Canada become more equal. The first woman as a senator was Cairine Wilson. This produced progress in Canada.