Timeline with Attitude

  • Industrialisation

    Industrialisation in Canada happened over a long period of time, not to mention twice. The first, from 1780 to 1860, was widespread across all of British North America. The second, which actually impacted the First World War and the time after, started just before WWI. It caused factories to spring up, businesses to increase their profit, and Canada to become less reliant on other countries. Canada’s economy and political standing were both increased by this.
  • The launching of the HMS Dreadnought.

    The first real battleship, the Dreadnought was a revolutionary design. It had a solid and dependable design, with layered armour plating inlaid over the hull, torpedo bulges, and an overlapping field of fire designed in its turrets.
  • Trade partners

    Around this time period, Canada started trading with Britain less and the United States more. As a result, they got more, and at a higher frequency. This led to Canada having more resources and machinery while they themselves experienced an increase in industries that required both.
  • Franz Ferdinand is assassinated.

    The heir presumptive to the mantle of Austria - Hungary, Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria, is assassinated while being driven to visit people in the hospital. This would fan the spark of war that had been burning for years.
  • The creation of tanks, the "Steel Cavalry"

    The engineering and creation of tanks was nothing less than a miracle, considering what was about to occur. Their continued development has seen momentous increases in technology.
  • Minority rights

    Women, people of colour, natives, immigrants, all received increased rights during this time. Grants of land for some, increased freedom for others, but all ended up with much better lives afterwards.
  • Conscription

    Conscription was a massive issue in Canada. Though many voluntarily served, those that remained had no desire nor compunction to do so. As a result, the remaining few who ended up being unwillingly enlisted felt anger towards the Canadian government, as did the family, coworkers, and friends who remained behind. This also cost Canada several skilled workers.
  • Literacy

    Literary changes throughout the roaring twenties were subtle, but no less important to Canada’s development as a nation. The more formal approach appreciated during the Victorian period was steadily phased out and replaced by the more direct and free - thinking made adapted by many authors.
  • First ever aircraft carrier.

    HMS Furious was the first ever aircraft carrier to be launched. Modified from a Courageous class battlecruiser, she was originally intended to carry two - 18 inch guns and little else. After being launched by First Sea Lord, Samuel Fisher, she was changed into the very first aircraft carrier in 1917.
  • Music developments

    Funnily enough, musical changes around this time helped to accentuate and augment the feeling of happiness that Canada and Canadians felt from the end of the war. It was rather significant, as a matter of fact.