Timeline with Attitude

  • The Beginning of World War I

    The Beginning of World War I
    Several Canadian soldiers or soldiers in general died during their fight in the war, which is a huge loss for Canada as a moving country. However there is a slight benefit that Canada received throughout the war, while many countries were still fighting eachother, Canada remained a highly respected country. It still does not make up for the amount of soldiers lost during the war with around 60,000.
  • Jeremiah Alvin Jones

    Jeremiah Alvin Jones
    The reason why Jones is so important to Canadian history and World War I is because he is one of the first black males to be assigned to the Royal Canadian Regiment during the fight of Vimy Ridge. He also contributed towards Canada to a great victory as he saved his entire unit from a machine gun attack. He also proved to the soldiers that doubted him that the stereotype of black men being weaker than white men was wrong and that he can fight just as well or better than any other soldier.
  • Wartime Elections Act

    Wartime Elections Act
    Women’s rights were dramatically affected by this, and they began to have more power in the war. This was a huge step forward for women’s right’s and is a step closer for them to reach their full potential. Allowing this made women take higher positions of power socially and politically, but yet a few of them are still not allowed to vote.
  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    Nearly 55,000 people died in Canada because of the Spanish Flu. It was said that certain people that were returning from the war had died because of the illness, and that this influenza can take only one day to become fatal. A lot of strong soldiers lost their lives because of the illness, and it became one of the most damaging pandemics in the history of Canada.
  • The Cure for Diabetes

    The Cure for Diabetes
    A lot of people who were diabetic at the time died after a few years of being diagnosed, but after the discovery of insulin, thousands of peoples lives were saved. This was a huge milestone for Canadian Medical associations as this cure or medicine saved multiple people and has a huge affect on the present day as if it wasn’t invented, several diabetic people wouldn’t be alive.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    A few of the reasons why the stock market crash was because of the unexpected amount of declined production and unemployment. Around thousands of people suffered from reaching debt, and on Black Tuesday stock markets completely collapsed and billions of dollas were lost from accounts.