Timeline With Attitude (1914-1929)

  • War Measures Act

    War Measures Act
    In August 1914, Canada passed an act that would allow them to detain and arrest Canadians unfairly, censorship, and the right to take control over any property. This act was invansive and unfair to all the Canadians citizens not involved with the war at all. Therefore, it's ranked a -2. This event is political.
  • Second Battle of Ypres

    Second Battle of Ypres
    In Canada's first major close fire battle in the first World War, they were surrounded and outnumbered. They used chlorine gas their first time and kept the Germans from forcing their way in. This is ranked a -1 as there were enormous casualties, in an already gruesome battle. This also marks the first time a large scale chlorine gas attack was used in warfare. This event is political.
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Battle of Vimy Ridge
    This is one of Canada's most celebrated military victories. They successfully invaded the German-controlled point of Vimy Ridge, a high vantage point where one could have a good layout of the land. The success of the attack was symbolic of Canada's experience with the war. It is what convinced the Prime Minister after the war to push for Canada to eb represented seperately as their own country. I rate this event a 2. This event is political and cultural.
  • Women's Right to Vote In Federal Elections

    Women's Right to Vote In Federal Elections
    Most Canadian women are given the right to vote in a federal election. This is when men began to realize women's say in politics was needed, as most were away from home at the time of the war. However, First Nations women had to give up their treaty and status rights, which is extremely problematic. This event only benefited mainly white Canadians instead of First Nations too, despite them both being equal citizens. I rate this event a 1. This event was political and social.
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
    On the 11th hour of the 11th day in the 11th month, the war ended when Germany surrendered. The armistice was signed and Canadians rejoiced at the end of the bloodshed. This day is continued to be honoured everyday as Rememberance Day. Canada didn't have to fund the war anymore, and the government would stop going even more deeply into debt. I give this event a rating of 2. This event was political and economic.
  • Group of Seven Exhibit

    Group of Seven Exhibit
    7 artists residing in Toronto grew frustrated with the dull conservative art. They made an exhibit of ther own art, featuring beautiful interpretations of the Canadian landscape. Their exhibit received international recognition and changed the way art was viewed in Canada. More attention was drawn towards the arts. This event was cultural and social.
  • Residential Schools Made Mandatory

    Residential Schools Made Mandatory
    Residential Schools were made mandatory on December 21st 1920. The schools were disguised as a way to help First Nations learn European ways and become more "advanced". This covered up the fact that it was a cultural genocide that impacted hundreds of thousands of First Nation children. They grew up seperated from their culture and mistreated horribly away from their families. Some ddin't even get to return. I rate this event a -2. This event was political and cultural.
  • Insulin Is Isolated

    Insulin Is Isolated
    Frederick Banting and Charles Best isolated insulin for the very first time at the University of Toronto. The first diabetes patient was treated with it in the following January with great success. This medical achievement won them the Nobel Prize. I rank this event a 2. This event was intellectual.
  • First Nation WWI Veterans Get Right to Vote

    First Nation WWI Veterans Get Right to Vote
    First Nation veterans of the first World War were granted the right to vote in federal elections without losing their treaty rights or status. This marks significant step in Aboriginal voting, seeing as before; they would lose their treaty rights and status in order to vote. However, it's only veterans that are granted this right, with all the other First Nations still being bound by the same rule. I rank this a 1. This event was political.
  • The Great Depression Begins

    The Great Depression Begins
    This marked the start of an all time high for unemployment in Canada that lasted for 6 years. The birth rate, immigrant rate, and more also plummeted. I rate this event a -2 for the effect it had on the Canadians, economy, and immigrant deportation. This event was economic and political.