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Timeline with attitude (1914-1929)

By Abintha
  • WWI Ukrainian Internment Camps (-2)

    WWI Ukrainian Internment Camps (-2)
    Ukrainians in Canada were forced into traumatic internment camps even though they worked hard towards the development of Canada and didn’t pose a threat to society. This establishment was rated -2 as innocent Ukrainians were prevented from accumulating wealth and belittled by society who referred to them as “Enemy Aliens.” These discriminatory measures also deprived them of their civil rights.
  • Black Canadian Soldiers (-1)

    Black Canadian Soldiers (-1)
    Many black Canadians were unable to enlist in combat roles during WWI. In the summer of 1916 due to the shortage of soldiers, the armed forces needed more people to enlist. However black people were forced to join a separate battalion because white soldiers were not willing to work alongside them. This shows that black Canadian soldiers were not treated equally and the constant racial oppression they had to face restricted them from progressing, which is why the progress rating is -1.
  • The Military service Act (-1)

    The Military service Act (-1)
    The Military Service Act enacted by Prime Minister Borden forced men between the ages of 20 and 40 to enlist in the war. Conscription caused resentment amongst many Canadians, which divided the country, and it significantly impacted essential services as working-class men were forced to enlist, thus making the progress rating -1.
  • The Spanish Flu (-2)

    The Spanish Flu (-2)
    The Spanish flu was a time period of decline for Canada because it caused the death of 50,000 Canadians. The economy was negatively impacted as workers fell ill, which forced businesses to shut down. Along with this, the death of working family members caused poverty and poor living conditions which is why it is rated -2.
  • The Winnipeg General Strike (+1)

    The Winnipeg General Strike (+1)
    During this strike, nearly 30,000 union and non-union workers left their jobs to protest for better working conditions, higher wages and for their voices to be heard overall. This event showcases a +1 rate of progress because it united all kinds of workers to fight for their rights together, no matter their class.
  • Residential Schools (-2)

    Residential Schools (-2)
    The Residential schools in Canada assimilated Aboriginal peoples into Euro-Canadian culture, and this was a cultural genocide as it took the lives of many Aboriginal individuals while also leaving many to feel abandoned and traumatized. In 1920, the Indian Act made it mandatory for Indigenous children to attend these schools. Students were unable to obtain basic needs and were abused, which showcases that this event was a decline, thus rated -2.
  • The Discovery of Insulin (+2)

    The Discovery of Insulin (+2)
    This medical discovery showcased progress in Canada as it saved millions of lives that were struggling with diabetes. This medical advancement contributed to the development of healthcare and it lead to new research which is why I gave this a progress rating of +2.
  • The Chinese Immigration Act (-2)

    The Chinese Immigration Act (-2)
    The federal government established this act to exclude Chinese individuals from entering Canada. The immigration policies also limited Chinese Canadians from returning to China to see their families. The racial discrimination that was prevalent at the time showcases that people were not treated fairly and it prevented them from progressing, which is why I gave this Act a -2 on the scale of progress.
  • First Nation Veterans (-2)

    First Nation Veterans (-2)
    Although Aboriginal people played a huge role in the war efforts, their rights were taken away from them due to the racial oppression they faced. The Department of Indian Affairs actively worked to prevent the political rights of Aboriginals as they were not able to vote after the war and veterans had their land taken away. This has a progressing rate of -2 as it restricted Aboriginals from progressing in society.
  • Emily Murphy and the Famous Five (+2)

    Emily Murphy and the Famous Five (+2)
    This was a time of progress because their efforts allowed women to be recognized as persons under the BNA Act and allowed them to have a position in the Senate. This has a progress rating of +2 as it was a significant event for women gaining equal rights.