Ne 1928

Canada 1914-1929: A Time of Progress

  • Period: to

    Canada 1914-1929

  • Conscription damages French and English Canadian relationship

    Conscription damages French and English Canadian relationship
    Social Decline: (-1)
  • Prohibition leads the way to organized crime

    Prohibition leads the way to organized crime
    Social Decline (-1)
  • The formation of the Group of Seven

    The formation of the Group of Seven
    Cultural Progress: (+1)
  • Residential schools designed to “kill the Indian in the child” becomes mandatory for all First Nations children

    Residential schools designed to “kill the Indian in the child” becomes mandatory for all First Nations children
    Social Declines: (-2)
  • The discovery of insulin saves millions of lives

    The discovery of insulin saves millions of lives
    Technological Progress: (+2)
  • The Chinese Immigration Act takes the anti-Chinese movement a step further

    The Chinese Immigration Act takes the anti-Chinese movement a step further
    Social decline: (-2)
  • Canada gains full autonomy from Britain

    Canada gains full autonomy from Britain
    Political Progress (+2)
  • An increase in foreign demand for Canadian resources helps bolster the economy

    An increase in foreign demand for Canadian resources helps bolster the economy
    Economical Progress (+1)
  • The Summer Olympics sees the first participation of female athletes from Canada

    The Summer Olympics sees the first participation of female athletes from Canada
    Social Progress: (+1)
  • Actions taken by the “Famous Five” lead to women gaining “persons” status, allowing women to take a place in the Senate

    Actions taken by the “Famous Five” lead to women gaining “persons” status, allowing women to take a place in the Senate
    Political Progress: (+2)