Timeline With Attitude 1914-1929

  • Introduction of Prohibition

    Introduction of Prohibition
    In 1918, The federal government introduced prohibition, banning the production, import, and transportation of liquor across the country.
    During the War the Women's Christian Temperance Union had a campaign for the ban on liquor, because they thought that the wheat used should be used to feed the soldiers instead. I rate this event a -1 on the scale of progress because liquor was still very easily accessible illegally but violence, rum-running, and smuggling shrouded Canada and made it unsafe.
  • The Chanak Affair

    The Chanak Affair
    In 1922 Britain became embroiled in a dispute with Turkey in Chanak. Britain was committed to maintaining troops there to but the Turks did not agree and threatened Britain. Britain asked Canada for support but Canadian PM King sent a cable to Westminster saying that he would have to consult Parliament before sending troops. I rate this event a +1 on the progress scale because this was a signal of the progress of Canada's independence. They showed their free will from Britain's command.
  • The Halibut Treaty

    The Halibut Treaty
    In 1923 Canada and The United states worked out an agreement on the fishing season for Halibut. Britain was not directly involved in this matter but britain had always signed treaties on Canada's behalf. King insisted that only Canadian and US representatives should sign the treaty and Britain eventually agreed. I rate this event a +1 on the progress scale because this event led to Canada earning the right to sign treaties with foreign countries without Britain interference.
  • The King-Byng Crisis

    The King-Byng Crisis
    In 1926 Governor General Julian Byng refused to dissolve parliament and call an election after PM King requested it. King accused Byng of ignoring advice given by the elected government. An eventual election occurred and King was elected again. I rate this event +1 on the progress scale because although there was no big change in government, this event helped Canada's success in the Balfour Report which was a huge step towards Canadian independence.

    At the next Imperial Conference King fought for Canadians' rights to make their own decisions about foreign policy without British interference. Canada and the Other Dominions were declared self Governing nations and are now a part of the "CommonWealth of Nations" instead of "Dominion of British Empire". I rate this event 2+ because this is the most important event in this timeline and one of the most important event in Canadian History as Canada became a self-governing nation in this event.
  • New Foreign Embassies

    New Foreign Embassies
    In 1927, Vincent Massey became the first Canadian envoy to the US with full diplomatic status. The following year Canadian embassies were opened in France, Belgium, and after another year Japan. I rate this event a +1 on the progress scale because these embassies resembled Canada's new independent relations with these foreign countries which was a huge first step as a self-governing nation.