The Progress and Decline of Canada

  • Period: to

    War Period

  • Start of WWI

    Start of WWI
    When WWI started, it had nothing to do with Canada. But soon later the war escalated which got Britain involved. The First World War was deadly and caused many soldiers to die.
    Rank: -1
    I rated this a -1 because this war caused an imbalance in world peace. This imbalance of world peace impacts the progress and decline of Canada despite not relating to Canada at this point.
  • Canada declare war

    Canada declare war
    On August 4th, 1914, Britain declared war on Germany. The declaration of war from Britain automatically includes Canada in the Great War as Canada was a colony of Britain.
    Ranking: 0
    The reason why this ranking was given is because of the many arguments that could be made. While the war was beneficial to Canada's independence and the rights of Canadians, we also need to factor in the sacrifices and losses that made this happen. This event caused progress and decline.
  • Battle of the Somme (Social)

    Battle of the Somme (Social)
    The Battle of the Somme was Canada's most brutal and difficult fight of the war. It was known as the bloodiest fight and a major loss for British and French forces. This concluded with a German victory and many Canadian/British troops killed.
    Ranking: -2
    There was not much upside to this battle at all other than a learning experience to not make the same mistakes. Many were lost during this battle so this was a decline.
  • Military Service Act (Political)

    Military Service Act (Political)
    The Military Service Act was a controversial act that forces male citizens from the age of 20-45 to be ready to join the military until the war ends.
    Ranking: -1
    There are some pros and cons to this act. Firstly, the pro to this act is that Canada will have a better and larger military force that could be used to defend Canada. The cons to this act are more people being put into dangerous territory and the country splitting over this act. Overall, the cons outweigh the pros.
  • Wartime Elections Act (Social)

    Wartime Elections Act (Social)
    Women relatives related to soldiers were given the right to vote. But Canadians born from enemy countries (known as "aliens") had their right to vote taken away.
    Ranking: 0
    Some people were affected positively while some people were affected negatively. This is why there were some progress made but some decline as well.
  • Income War Tax Act (Economic)

    Income War Tax Act (Economic)
    Since Canada was fighting a massive debt from military costs, they had to make money to finance many soldiers fighting in the war overseas. The Income War Tax Act was the first federal tax on income.
    Ranking: -1
    This is a decline because of some criteria that were met for the decline. Through this act, Canadians get less wealthy.
  • Treaty of Versailles (Political)

    Treaty of Versailles (Political)
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed in the Palace of Versailles which declared 32 countries victorious including Canada. This treaty also gave Canada more independence and a reputation as a strong and brave country.
    Ranking: +2
    The reason why I gave this event a ranking of +2 is for a variety of reasons. Firstly, this treaty makes the world a safer place as WWI has concluded and many countries are at peace. Secondly, This treaty also means better living conditions for Canada.
  • Period: to

    Post-War Period

  • League of Indians (Cultural)

    League of Indians (Cultural)
    The League of Indians was formed in 1919 for the sole reason of giving the aboriginal people of Canada a united voice. Aboriginal people of Canada were treated unfairly and did not have the right to vote.
    Ranking +2
    The reason why this event was given a ranking of +2 was because of the importance of the League of Indians. The united voice gave the aboriginal people of Canada better living conditions and eventually the right to vote as well.
  • Period: to

    The Roaring 20s

  • Balfour Declaration (Political)

    Balfour Declaration (Political)
    The Balfour Declaration resulted in Canada becoming a self-governing and independent country from Britain.
    Ranking: +2
    The reason why I gave this a ranking of +2 is because the Balfour Declaration was the start of Canada working as an independent country with more freedom and autonomy. This is a huge sign of progress now that Canada can choose how they want to fight in future wars.
  • Persons Case (Social)

    Persons Case (Social)
    The Persons Case declared that women now have their own rights and could do what most men can do. After this case, women are considered "people".
    Ranking: +2
    Looking back at my criteria for progress and decline, a society that is not long equal, but is also free and fair is very important for progress. This not only shows that Canada is become an equal country, but is also become more free and fair for many being discriminated against.