Canada Joins the Great War
When Britain went to war, Canada did not have a choice but to join. Joining World War 1 meant that Canada had to focus a lot of its resources to the war, rather than developing as a society. Not only this, but almost 1 in 10 Canadians gave up their lives.
https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/history/first-world-war/canada/Canada19 -
Prohibition of Liquor
The banning of liquor had many benefits to it such as using resources otherwise used for liquor towards the war effort, crime rates lowered, and that arrests for intoxication went down severely. However, this did not come without its own consequences such as illegal alcohol trades, and that the government realized they were missing out on millions of dollars by banning it. https://www.sutori.com/story/canada-s-major-events-during-1920-s-and-1930-s-timeline--24stj74irSKVbaQHrG1aBKr1 -
Canada Becomes Part of The League Of Nations
I think this would progress Canada because this would help Canada have good relations with other countries in the League of Nations. The League of Nations would then transform into the United Nations after World War 2.
https://www.rcinet.ca/en/2017/01/10/canada-history-jan-10-1920-founding-of-the-league-of-nations/#:~:text=As%20such%20it%20became%20one,date%2C%20January%2010%2C%201920. -
The First Woman Has Been Elected
Adding a woman to the House of Commons progresses towards equality for women and their rights. -
Banting and Best Use Insulin to Successfully Treat a Diabetic
The usage of insulin would forever change the lives of people with diabetes. Before insulin was able to be used on humans, people with diabetes would not live for long. https://www.diabetes.org.uk/about_us/news_landing_page/first-use-of-insulin-in-treatment-of-diabetes-88-years-ago-today#:~:text=On%2011%20January%201922%20insulin,purified%20by%20James%20B%20Collip. -
Chinese Immigration Act
The reasoning for passing the Chinese Immigration was justifiable at the time, however it led to negative images of Chinese people unintentionally and influenced racism against them. -
Automobile Development (And Henry Ford's 10 millionth Model T)
Henry Ford's automobiles revolutionized travel during the 20s. Due to the development of the assembly line, labour costs were drastically decreased due to assembly taking less time. In turn, automobiles were relatively affordable and everybody wanted one for ease of travel, and that it was a new piece of technology. -
Balfour Report
The Balfour Report played a major role in Canada becoming its independent country. It stated that the self-governing communities would be recognized as equal. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Balfour-Report -
The Pension Act
The pension act first started off as a last resort to stop the elderly from going into poverty by giving them a monthly income based on their circumstances. It was looked down upon at the time, however, as time went on it became something most people approve of, even if it may need some changes -
The Second Stock Market Crash
This was a hard time for pretty much everybody living in North America at the time. People were going bankrupt and living on the streets. People would do anything to have a job, even if it meant the wage was not livable. People who invested in stocks lost millions. The stock market crash would also lead to the Great Depression. https://thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/the-great-crash-feature