Timeline: Vietnam

  • Daniel Ellsberg

    He was a military analyst and researcher who claims that he helped leaked the Pentagon papers to the press in order and in hope that it would help end the Vietnam War. Which was a 7000 page top-secret report and history of the US involvement in the war.
  • Dien Bien Phu

    This is where the French and suffered a major defeat which online to the negotiations that ended up with a GENEVA agreements on July 22, 1954.
  • Geneva Accords

    Apr 26, 1954 – Jul 20, 1954
    This was an agreement that came out of the GENEVA conference of 1954 to determine how French could peacefully with drawl and basically stated that for the peaceful withdrawal of France forces in temporary division of Vietnam along the 17th parallel.
  • Tonkin Resolution

    August 7, 1964
    This was after the golf of TONKIN incident Congress had passed the golf of TONKIN resolution that removed a lot of restrictions from the president in regards to Vietnam by the end of the year 23,000 American military personnel‘s would be in South Vietnam.
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    August 5, 1964
    On August 2 to north Vietnamese torpedo boats engaged USS Maddox which was gathering communications intelligence in the Gulf two nights later Maddox and the destroyer USS were doing their patrol in the golf and they reported that they were under attack although they did not see any ships in the area where the enemy was reported years later crew members said they never saw attacking crafts and that an electric storm may have interfered with the ship's radar
  • Fulbright Commission

    They were a series of hearings the data committee had come together to consider proposals and advice to end the war they resulted in for the protest across the United States
  • Tet Offensive

    Jan 31, 1968 – Sep 23, 1968
    This is when they had launched a massive attack on every Providence in South Vietnam they struck at least three provincial capitals of the major cities Saigon and Hue. This major offense shocked Americans who were at home who thought the war was near victory but by March had no change in strategy to make the war come to a conclusion
  • Vietnamization

    This was a policy by the Nixon ministration and this was two and the US involvement in the Vietnam war through a program that wanted to expand equipt and train South Vietnamese forces and which reduced the number of United States combat troop.
  • My Lai Massacre

    March 16, 1968
    This was when 100 men women and children were killed similar even larger atrocities were conducted by VC and in NVA units the concept revolved around American soldiers killing civilians in cold blood. Some protesters blame the men and women who served Vietnam disrespecting and spitting on them when they came home.
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Apr 29, 1970 – Jul 22, 1970
    This was a series of military operations that were held in eastern Colombia by south Vietnam in the United States as an extension of the Vietnam war in the Columbian Civil War it was seen as a save soon where they can establish spaces for operations over the border. Many people thought as if he was abusing his power The criticism learned to the war Powers act which was passed over Nixon’s veto.
  • Pentagon Papers

    These were a set of papers that were officially titled “report of the office of the secretary of defense Vietnam task force“ Which was commissioned by the secretary of defense Robert McNamara in 1967 they were lied and initially they were to help end the Vietnam war
  • Christmas Bombing

    Dec 18, 1972 – Dec 29, 1972
    Nixon had allowed these orders of Christmas bombing to the North Vietnamese which was a two-week bombing campaign for communist North Vietnamese they had to drop more than 2000 tons of bombs on the cities of HANOI and Haiphong. They claim to have lost 15 of the 129B -52 bombers engaged during these airstrikes +11 other Aircrafts in North Vietnam claim to have more than 1600 civilians dead.
  • War Powers Act

    November 7, 1973
    This was a federal law put in place to attend and provide the president to send US military armed forces into action allowed by Congress or if the US is under attack or a serious threat would allow the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of the coming armed forces to military action.
  • Paris Peace Conference/Accords

    January 27, 1973
    This was a peace treaty that was signed on January 27, 1973, which establish peace in Vietnam and ended the Vietnam war
  • Fall of Saigon

    April 30, 1975
    This was also known as the liberation of Saigon because it marked the end of the Vietnamese and more at the beginning of the formal reunification of Vietnam under communist rule but the South Vietnamese forces had collapsed under the advancement of the North Vietnamese, so south Vietnam surrendered.