Timeline Unit 2

By bbenn
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown colony is founded in 1607 by a group of colonists from England. The first permanent English settlement in North America
  • House of Burgesses

    The first legislative assembly in North America in Jamestown also called the General Assembly.
  • Mayflower Compact

    The first governing document written in the colonies providing a set of rules for self governance. The Pilgrims of Plymouth were mostly Puritans seeking religious freedom.
  • Rhode Island

    Roger Williams founded the Rhode Island colony after being banished from the Massachusetts Bay colony because of his religion. He declared it a place of religious freedom.
  • King Philip's War

    (1675-1678) Armed conflict between the New England colonists and Natives in New England. The Natives were lead by Wampanoag chief Metacomet. The war resulted in destruction on both parts and came to an end once Metacomet was killed.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    (1676-1677) An armed rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon against the Virginia Governor William Berkeley. Bacon wanted militia support from Berkeley to battle Natives but Berkeley refused. The rebellion ended when Bacon died.
  • Pueblo Revolt

    An uprising of most of the indigenous Pueblo people against the Spanish colonizers in the province of Santa Fe de Nuevo México, present day New Mexico. The Pueblo Revolt killed 400 Spaniards and drove the remaining 2,000 settlers out of the province.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    The girls of Salem began to claim they were possessed by the devil and accused women in the town of witchcraft. Eventually it was discovered to be not true even after many were executed
  • Virginia Slave Codes

    Enacted by the House of Burgesses and basically asserted that slaves had no rights and put in a punishment if a slave broke one of the rules. Also established slave trade as legal.
  • The Great Awakening

    (1730s-1740s) It was a religious revival that impacted the English colonies in America. It came at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized, and passion for religion had grown stale.The result was a renewed dedication toward religion.
  • John Peter Zenger Trial

    John Peter Zenger was a German immigrant who printed a publication that insulted the royal governor William Cosby. John was hauled to jail and after trial by jury he was declared not guilty. This set the stage for freedom of the press.
  • French and Indian War

    1754 is the start of the French and Indian War otherwise known as the 7 Years War.