Timeline Two: Baroque (1600-1730)

  • Period: 1567 to

    C. Monteverdi

    A key composer in the transition between Renaissance and Baroque. Trained in the Renaissance style, known for being adept at composing "modern" music. Used dissonances in his music for text expression. Used Seconda prattica.
  • Period: to

    F. Caccini

    The first women to compose operas. Sang the lead role in several early operas.
  • Beginning of Opera in Italy

    Jacopo Peri and Giulio Caccini invented opera in Florence around 1600.
  • Period: to

    Early Baroque

    Rise of Opera, Monody, Cantatas
  • Start of the Thirty Years War

    Lasted until 1648. One of the most destructive wars in Europe's history.
  • Period: to

    B. Strozzi

    Studies under Francesco Cavalli at the Accademia degli Unisoni. Published eight sets of songs each dedicated to a different wealthy patron. Most of her works are ariettas and aria.
  • The First Public Opera Theater

    Teatro de San Cassiano opened in Venice in 1637.
  • Start of English Civil War

    Lasted until 1651.
  • Period: to

    H. Biber

    Bohemian-Austrian Composer. One of the most important composers for the violin. Utilized a new playing technique.
  • Period: to

    Middle Baroque

    Emergence of Cantatas, Sonata, Concerto, Suite, and Overture.
  • Period: to

    H. Purcell

    Singer, organist, and composer. Worked in the court of Charles II. Assimilated the musical styles of Europe.
  • Period: to

    A. Scarlatti

    His death marks an indicator for the end of the Baroque era. Father of D. Scarlatti, teacher in Naples, helped create the new classical style.
  • Period: to

    A. Vivaldi

    Music director at the Pieta. Popular during the 1720's. Wrote nearly 800 concertos. Considered the greatest master of the Baroque concerto.
  • Period: to

    G.P. Telemann

    German composer. Composed more than 125 orchestral suites. Helped establish the French-style orchestral suite in Germany. Published Tafelmusik in 1733.
  • Period: to

    J. Mouret

    Representative composer from this French court. Composed operas, suites, and "grand divertissements". Some of his works have been used for TV commercials and in other media.
  • Period: to

    J.S. Bach

    One of the most famous composers of this time. Has many, many works. Wrote in every genre except opera. Prominent organ consultant.
  • Period: to

    D. Scarlatti

    Keyboard virtuoso. Served Portuguese and Spanish royal families. Wrote over 500 sonatas.
  • Period: to

    G.F. Handel

    Wrote many operas and Italian cantatas. Famous German composer living in England writing Italian music.
  • Period: to

    Late Baroque

    Emergence of Fugue, Oratorio, Bach's passion, and Handel's Messiah.
  • Handel's Water Music

    Performed for a royal party on the Thames River in London. 22 movements, basso continuo was not in the first performance.