Chemistry clipart

Timeline to prepare for Chemistry Exam 3 Chapter 17-19

  • Period: to

    Start with Chapter 17-17.4

    17.1 Three laws of thermodynamics
    17.2 Spontaneous processes
    17.3 Entropy
    17.4 Second law of Thermodynamics
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    17.5 Gibbs Free Energy
    17.6 Free Energy and Chemical Equilibrium
    17.7 Thermodynamics in living systems
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    Chapter 18

    18.1 Redox Reactions
    18.2 Galvin Cells
    18.3 SRP
    18.6 Batteries
  • Period: to

    Chapter 19 Nuclear Chemistry

    19.1 Nuclear Reaction
    19.2 national Radioactivity and nuclear Transmutation
    19.5 Nuclear Fission
    19.7 Nuclear Fission
  • Period: to

    Chapter 17-half of Chapter 18

    Study the practice Problems
  • Period: to

    Rest of Chapter 18 and Chapter 19

    Practice problems for 18-19
  • Period: to

    Exam Time!

    I got This!!!!