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Timeline. The First World War and the Russian Revolution

  • The Birth of the Triple Alliance

    The Birth of the Triple Alliance
    The Triple Alliance was an alliance between Germany, Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the initiative of Chancellor Otto Van Bismarck and created in 1882.
  • The outbreak of the Russian revolution and the Bloody Sunday.

    The outbreak of the Russian revolution and the Bloody Sunday.
    In 1905, a large majority of Russians took to the streets asking for the end of autocracy, but those demonstrations did not sit well with the Tsar, so he responded with brutal repression against the protesters. This event was saved for history and was called Bloody Sunday.
  • The Algeciras Conference

    The Algeciras Conference
    In 1906, the Algeciras Conference, which authorised a Franco-Spanish protectorate, forced the Germans to back down
  • The birth of the Triple Entente

    The birth of the Triple Entente
    In 1907, France, Britain and Russia signed a mutual aid pact to fight against the Triple Alliance
  • The annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary.

    The annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary.
    This annexation suposed a increase tensions in the Balkans that finished in a war.
  • The Balkans War

    The Balkans War
    The Balkan Wars were two wars that occurred in southeastern Europe. The first faced the Ottoman Empire with the so-called Balkan League .The small Balkan nations managed to expel the Ottomans from almost all of the territory of the peninsula, but they could not avoid fighting each other over the distribution of the lands that had been taken from them, which gave rise to the Second Balkan War. The Treaty of Bucharest put an end to wars.
  • Assasination in Sarajevo (Bosnia).

    Assasination in Sarajevo (Bosnia).
    On 28 June 1914, Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Astro-Hungarian Empire, was assinated by a Bosnian student because Bosnia had occupied by Austria-Hungary. Besides, the student had link with Serbian nationalist organization.
  • Austria-Hungary's Declaration of war on Serbia ​

    Austria-Hungary's Declaration of war on Serbia ​
    Austria-Hungary accused Serbia of the assasination and declared war on 28 July. Besides, Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary to protect Serbia and the allies of Austria-Hungary declared war on the allies of Serbia to protect Austria-Hungary too.
  • Germany vs France

    Germany vs France
    The German army attacked France through Belgium and Luxembourg by the Schlieffen Plan.
  • German - France and Britain

    German - France and Britain
    The Germans launched a new offensive but were stopped by the french at the Battle of Verdum, then the french and britain army attacked the German lines at the Battle of the Somme.
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    On 23 February 1917, there was a large demonstration in Petograd (St. Petersburg), followed by a general strike and riots in the barracks.
  • The Fall of the Tsarism

    The Fall of the Tsarism
    The tsar abdicated and a republic was proclaimed. It was headed by a provisional government.
  • The US joins the Conflict.

    The US joins the Conflict.
    The United States joined the war in 1917 for various reasons but mainly as a consequence of the sinking of the United States Ocean liner the lusitania by Germany. Although the war was already being fought in the colonies of the European Empires the intervention of the US made it a truly global conflict.
  • The Coup D´Etat of the Revolution

    The Coup D´Etat of the Revolution
    The Bolsheviks threw out the provisional government to put themselves.
  • The Election of the Russian Revolution

    The Election of the Russian Revolution
    Elections were held for the Constituent Assembly, convened by the provisional government. The Bolsheviks got only the 25% of the seats.Fearing that groups opposing the revolution could take over the Duma, Lenin dissolved the Assembly and put an end to political pluralism in the new Soviet Russia.
  • Brest-Litovsk Treaty

    Brest-Litovsk Treaty
    Russia signed this treaty with Germany and withdrew form the war.
  • The final of the War

    The final of the War
    The allies defeated Austria-Hungary on the Eastern Front, and the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman Empire surrendered and called for an armistice. The Germans were defeated, too. There were revolts in the German army and navy as well as workers demonstrations against the government. As a result the Kaiser abdicated and Germany surrendered.An armnistice was signed on 11 November 1918 at 11 am.
  • The creation of the League of the Nations

    The creation of the League of the Nations
    This suggestion of Wilson was created to guarantee peace and cooperation between states.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty definitively put an end to the First World War. It was signed on June 28, 1919 in the Gallery of Mirrors of the Palace of Versailles.
  • The Victory of the Red Army.

    The Victory of the Red Army.
    In 1921, the Red Army won the civil war that was led by Trotsky and the Bolsheviks.
  • The New State: The USSR

    The New State: The USSR
    The USSR was the Union of Soviets Socialist Republic