Timeline Task Blaire Koonz

  • 1517

    95 Thesis

    Martin Luther wrote the 95 Thesis that were questions for debate about the church. The thesis attacked the idea of selling indulgences and promoted the idea that salvation was reached through faith and divine grace. The 95 Thesis eventually became a founding point of the Protestant revolution. link
  • Peace of Westphalia

    The Peace of Westphalia lead to the end of the Thirty Years war. It established the notion of sovereign states having control of their own actions. It also caused western civilization to move away from a theocratic system by establishing Protestantism as an acceptable religion for a state to have. link
  • Committees of Correspondence

    Committees of Correspondence were established before the American Revolution as a way to spread information to colonists. These Committees became the backbone of spreading information throughout the colonies and formed the base of national unity in the American Revolution. link
  • The Critique of Pure Reason

    In The Critique of Pure Reason Immanuel Kant argues that the human mind is integral to our understanding of the universe. That means that human knowledge is limited to mathematics and observable science. link
  • Vindication of the Rights of Woman

    Mary Wollstonecraft published Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792. In that book she said that women were not raised in society to be fully human and they should aspire to be so. She also wanted women to think rationally so that they could perceive their duties and thinking rationally would allow them to develop full citizenship. link
  • The Communist Manifesto

    The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and was published in 1848. In The Communist Manifesto it promotes the idea of class struggle and the modes of production influencing history. The Communist Manifesto went on to be the foundation of many various communist revolutions throughout history. link
  • Ain't I A Woman?

    Sojourner Truth gave a speech at the 1851 Women's Rights Convention in Akron Ohio. In her Speech Sojourner Truth talked about how the women focusing on women's rights were ignoring black women. Her speech has become on of the most famous speeches on women's rights and of the abolitionist movement. link
  • The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

    In 1936 John Maynard Keynes published his book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. In that book he advocated that governments spend money during economic down turns, including deficit spending, so that the unemployed would have money to spend and revitalize the economy. This led to the establishment of Keynesian economics. link