From farmer to farmer timeline task.

By Dyl37
  • Agricultural revolution

    The Agricultural revolution begins 12,000 years ago.
  • Period: to

    12,000 years ago.

  • America.

    15,000 Years ago the first humans cross the being strict into the America's.
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    15,000 years ago.

  • Earth.

    Earth enters the last Glacial Maximum of the Ice - Age 25,000 years ago.
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    25,000 years ago.

  • Asia.

    By 35,000 years ago they have populated the Middle East and Central Asia.
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    35,000 years ago.

  • Europe.

    40,000 Years ago humans enter Europe through the South East.
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    40,000 years ago.

  • Africa.

    50,000 Years ago, they reach Australia. Around the same time a second group crosses the red sea.
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    50,000 years ago.

  • Africa.

    60,000 years ago, the first humans leave Africa.
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    60,000 years ago.

  • Earth.

    70,000 years ago, Earth enters the coldest, driest period of the Ice Age.
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    70,000 years ago.

  • The Sapiens.

    The first sapiens are born 200,000 years ago.
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    200,000 years ago.