Evolution of Media

  • Pre-Industrial Stage

    Pre-Industrial Stage
    • Wood, stone tools, iron tools, bronze tools, shells, clay, tablets, leaves (clothing), animal skin (clothing), fruits and flowers for drawing, fire, spears, knifes, swords, Shield, armor, wooden cup, wooden utensil, bow and arrow, animals for farming, hoe, axe, pickaxe, saw, pearls
  • Industrial Stage

    Industrial Stage
    • Train, sewing machine, steam engine, light, aeroplane, magnet, electricity, printing machine, battery, books, newspapers, coals, ores, clock, cars, ships, boats, horses, mailing, stationary equipment, ink, iron, silk, compass, stove, bicycle
  • Electronic Stage

    Electronic Stage
    • TV, computer, radio, watch, cellphone, printer, projectors, AC, electric fan, electric stove, rice cooker, air fryer, airplane, satellite, space ship, bluetooth, electric circuits, camera, motors, earphone, headphone, charger
  • Information Stage

    Information Stage
    • Smart phone, smart watch, smart computer, space x, laser, UAV, wireless earphone, wireless headphone, wireless charger, electric cars, jets