I was born
I was born in 22 of May in 2001. -
I started walk
I started walk with my dad helps my. -
I started to talk the firts word
My firts word is Moni, because is the short ma's name. -
I started primary school
I started primary school in Purificació Salas in Sant Quirze. -
It was firts time to talk English
In primary I was speaks English but is a subject. -
It was firts time to talk more than two languages
I was study in English school
My parents script me in English school. In this school talk English and read diferent books in English. -
Was read the some book in two languages
In the academy read some books because one book I was read in Spanish. -
It was started 4th of ESO in IES Sant Quirze, and study more than 3 languages
It was started 4th of ESO in IES Sant Quirze, and study more than 3 languages.