Napoleon's Invasion of Russia
Napolion attempted to invade Russia and his troops were defeated in 1812. New territoey was gained in the conflict including Finland and Bassarabia. -
Russo-Japanese War
First great was of the 20th Century. Russia wanted a warm water port that would be operational all year. Japan decided to go to war with Russia to maintian power in Korea. Japan defeated Russia. This triggered Tussian Revolution of 1905. Russian government forced to make reforms including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, legalization of political parties and creation of an elected legislative body.. -
World War 1
Entry into war pushed country into Revolution of 1917. Nicholas II stepped down as ruler. A provisional government lost power and control to Social Democratic Labor Party. Lenin then created world's first socialist state (union of Soviet Socialist Republics,aka USSR, established in 1922) -
World War 2
USSR jaoined in Germany's attack on Polland and seized more territory. USSR then went to war against Germany when it invaded Russia. Soveit Union emerged as a superpower at the end of the war. Annexation of Baltic republics increased territory even more. USSR bulit line of communist states running for Poland to Albania and Bulgaria (included East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungray and Romania) -
Cold War
Russia as oart od USSR established Warsaw Pact and entered into struggle for world dominance against US and NATO. Western powers formed NATO when Soviet Union tried to block Wstern access to Berlin, Germany. -
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Invaded at request of communist government. No meaningful political results and Soviet army withdrew. Treaty limiting intercontinental ballistic missiles in USSR and US was not finalized beacuse of invasion. -
Wars with Chechnya
Chechnya wanted independence. Russian troops closed borders. War very costly to Russia in terms of loss of military lives and resources. Ended in treaty but no independence -
Russia's war with Georgia
Georgia attempting to reclain territory of South Ossetia. Gerogian forces ertreated and Russia enterd Georgis and occupied some of its cities. South Ossetia broke away from Georgia. World viewed Russia as a aggressor. -