Timeline revenue acts.

  • Sugar act

    Sugar act
    The sugar act was put into place so Britain would gain more money and stop the smuggling of sugar. The colonists were not pleased with the act being passed and they held protests in Boston screaming no taxation without representation. The British government wanted to show them that they were the alpha and with that created new acts to be passed.
  • Quartering act

    Quartering act
    Colonists had to house British soldiers. The colonists absolutely hated this act. It wasn't because they had to house British soldiers but that they were tax for goods to help the soldiers. Britain did not care and forced soldiers in homes.
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    Everything that was printed needed a stamp and these stamps cost money. Even playing cards needed the stamp. The colonists disagreed with this act like they did most others. They opposed the tax by just not paying them. Britain later sent soldiers down to enforce the act.
  • Town-shed acts

    Town-shed acts
    The British government wanted to take freedoms away from the colonists and they decided to tax paper,paint,lead,glass, and tea. The colonists opposed this act by boycotting British goods. As more British enforcers came they killed smugglers.
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    British tea companies decided to sell their own tea to the colonists and tax it. Tea was very popular and so the colonists were angered by this. The tea tax was not that much but the colonists were mad that the British parliament was treating them so poorly and this led to the Boston tea party led by the sons of Liberty. The British government was extremely mad and enforced the intolerable acts.