Japan Invades China
the Japanese claimed that they were fired by Chinese troops at the Marco Polo Bridge. Using this excuse, the Japanese launched a full-scale invasion of China. Within 6 months, about a million Chinese people were under Japanese control. All the major cities in China were captured by the Japanese by the end of 1937 -
Munich Conference
The Munich conference is an agreement that took in munich. The agreement agreed to transfer Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia to Germany. the people in the Conference were British Prime Minister Chamberlain , Prime Minister of France, Daladier , Hitler Reichskanzler of Germany and Prime Minister of Italy Mussolini . -
Non-Agression Pact
agreement of two or more States , in order to avoid war , fixing agreement between them on the settlement of disputes through peaceful negotiations. Sometimes accompanied pact signing agreements on expanding cooperation between the two countries. . -
is offensive operational doctrine , which consists of preparational bombardment and following attack by motorized forces , using speed and surprise to prevent the construction of alike enemy defense. -
Germany Invades Poland
A large-scale military operation of the armed forces of Germany and Slovakia. The territory of Poland was occupied completely , the Polish army was defeated and the country's territory was annexed by the USSR and the Reich -
The Holocaust
is the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II as part of the program for targeted destruction, planned and executed by Nazi Germany. Other ethnic , political and social groups - gypsies, communists, homosexuals , Jehovah's Witnesses , political prisoners, disabled people are also persecuted and killed by the regime or used in experiments. -
Battle of Britain
when the German was trying to win air superiority over the British Royal Air Force. the first attempts of the Germans was to master the skies of the British Isles and the second stage is heavy bombing of major Britain. -
Lend Lease Act
provided free of charge to the Allies during World War II ammunition , equipment , food, and other strategic raw materials. It gave the US president power to assist any country whose defense was considered important to US -
Operation Barbarossa
is the code name chosen by the German Command for the attack on the Soviet Union -
Pearl Harbor
the Japanese fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Nagumo Chuichi left its base in the Gulf Hitokappu of the Kuril Islands and headed to Pearl Harbor. The purpose of the attack on Pearl Harbor was to neutralize the US Pacific Fleet , to ensure freedom of the Japanese Army and Navy in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. -
Wannsee Conference
a meeting of representatives in Nazi Germany , held in Berlin in Lake Wannsee villa Marlir . At this conference it was decided "Final Solution " a program for genocide of the Jewish population of Europe. -
Bataan Death March
The Japanese did not knew the number of prisoners they were responsible for, and there wasn't organized plan for handling them. Prisoners were stripped of their valuables, and told to march to Balanga, the capital of Bataan. Some were beaten, stabbed, and mistreated. One unpleasant act was the murder of between 350 and 400 Filipino officers, after they had surrendered, though at the post-war trial of the Japanese commander, Masaharu Homma. -
Battle of Midway
is one of the most significant naval battles of World War II. The US Navy defeated the Japanese fleet that attacks Midway reef . The battle marked the turning point in the war in the Pacific. The combined fleet of Japan lost four heavy aircraft , 250 aircraft and their best pilots , which loses its ability to act outside the area of undercover Coast Aviation . -
Battle of Stalingrad
one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history marked by brutality, the USSR and Hitler's Germany the fighting approached to Stalingrad , the struggle for control of the city and the Soviet counter-offensive , which ended with the encirclement and destruction of German sixth Army. -
Millitary term meaning the actual day a major operation beginning. France was freed by germany and the surrendered day was very important to many people. -
Battle of the Bulge
Operation of Nazi Germany on the Western Front during World War II. forcing the US troops to retreat ,the Germans advancing by about 90 km in territory conquered by the Allies . -
Battle of Iwo Jima
The battle on island Iwo Jima was one of the bloodiest battles in WW2. they were many people killed and captured. the last captured soldier was caught in the end of 1951 -
Battle of Okinawa
V-E Day
the end of World War II in Europe . In the Federal Republic of Germany has generally naturalized . In most European countries it is celebrated as Liberation Day . In some countries such as France , the Czech Republic and Slovakia it is public holiday. -
Bombing of Hiroshima
a military operation conducted by the US Air Force against the Japanese city of Hiroshima. On the morning of August 6, 1945 US throws over the Japanese city of Hiroshima atomic bomb Little Boy killing 80,000 people -
Bombing of Nagasaki
Three days later he was thrown a second atomic bomb fat boy , which destroyed the city of Nagasaki . the deaths range from 39,000 to 60,000 -
V-J Day
the day of Japan's surrender in World War II . A few days ago the United States had dropped atomic bombs on two Japanese cities. the surrender of Japan was caused by the two atomic bombs that were dropped. -
Warsaw Pact
or formal agreement, cooperation and mutual assistance is alliance of socialist countries in Europe , called the Warsaw Treaty Organization .Warsaw Treaty gets its name from the town in which the agreement is sighned.Idea of this pact is an agreement on friendship, cooperation and mutual helping.