Timeline Project Psych 229

  • Period: to

    Timeline Project Psych 229

  • Prenatal care

    I asked my mother if she smoked while pregnant. She said no but she was around smokers so her environment was one in which there was a lot of secondhand smoke. I asked her if she took prenatal vitamins. She said she was told to, but didn't. Looking at my mothers unbalanced eating habits now, I do not think she ate healthy then either. This may have had an impact on my low birth weight.
  • Birth

    I was born on a Monday and weighed 4 lbs. 9 oz. I was considered premature because I was under 5 lbs. I had to stay in the hospital for 4-5 weeks until I reached 5 lbs. I was always bottle fed.
  • Family Dynamics

    I was the first grandchild born. My parents were in their early 20's when I was born. My mother had 5 sisters of which she was the second oldest. Her two youngest sisters use to spend a lot of time with me. They were 13 and 16 when I was born. They became caregivers and playmates to me as I grew up.
  • Supervision & care

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; Both my parents worked so I was raised by a large extended family of grandparents and aunts. Both of my grandmothers were my primary caregivers until my mother returned home in the late afternoon. This was how I was cared for throughout elementary & middle school. I don't ever remember missing my mom to the point of being sad. I always felt loved and nurtured.
  • First word

    COGNITIVE; My first word was Mama said at 7 months.
  • Walking

    BIOSOCIAL; I began walking a little after my first birthday.
  • Recognizes body parts

    COGNITIVE; At 14 months old I was able to point to my hands, feet, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, legs and arms.
  • Early Childhood - Play Years 2-6

    COGNITIVE: Because I was always around adults, I develop language skills early. I don't remember ever being talked to like I was just a kid.
  • imagination

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; I can remember my aunt making up stories at bedtime and telling them to me when I was around 4. She created vivid pictures for me and I remember the stories to this day. When I got to be around 7, she would pretend with me and make up characters and act them out with me.
  • Kindergarten

    COGNITIVE; First school experience.
  • Life after 3 pm

    BIOSOCIAL: I was not involved in any clubs or activities after school when I was younger. I didn't join an organized sport. I had no one to teach me how to play sports. I was mostly a loner and did not have confidence making friends.
  • Vision

    BIOSOCIAL; I had to wear glasses early on in my life. By the time I was six, my eyesight was very bad and I had very thick glasses.
  • School years start

    Middle Childhood - PSYCHOSOCIAL; I attended a Catholic school from 1st through 8th grade. There was only one class per grade so we all new each other very well. I started school wearing glasses and being very dorky as I was shy and spent most of my time around adults. I was not sure how to interact with people my own age.
  • Reading

    COGNITIVE: By 3rd grade I had developed a love of reading. I would read anything. I had many books at home. At school I remember being happy to take SRA tests (reading comprehension) when I finished my work. Each level was a different color and I took pride in my advancement in that.
  • Best Friend

    PSYCHOSOCIAL: My best friend was Joanne Fiore. We were always together from 5th grade through 8th grade. Even though I wasn't popular with other kids and Joanne was, she was still my friend. We would have sleepovers and spend recess together. She got me through my middle school years.
  • Debate

    COGNITIVE & PSYCHOSOCIAL: Joanne and I were on the same team in a debate. We were debating the moral aspects of abortion. We worked so hard and practiced so much. I was so afraid of speaking in front of people but Joanne made sure I was solid on our viewpoint. Classmates were shocked by my assertiveness.
  • Self Image

    Adolescence - BIOSOCIAL: I was average weight as a child but as I got into high school I was convinced I was "fat." I never had a positive and accurate self image of myself. In truth, I was very thin - a size 0 but I never saw that when I looked in a mirror.
  • Epilepsy

    BIOSOCIAL: I was diagnosed with Epilepsy and put on medication. There was no diagnostic reason why I suddenly had this disorder.
  • Sanctuary

    COGNITIVE: We were given a summer reading list for school. Everyone was so upset but I was so glad. I spent my summer reading all these books that I never knew existed. I loved that summer.
  • First boyfriend

    PYSCHOSOCIAL: I met my first boyfriend at a high school dance. He was a year older than me and we dated for a year.
  • Goodbye glasses

    BIOSOCIAL: I got contacts this year. I was so glad to say adios to my cokebottle glasses. Everyone commented on how pretty I was. I didn't know what to do with the attention as it made me feel uncomfortable and of course, I didn't fully believe it.
  • Driving - I think

    BIOSOCIAL & PSYCHOSOCIAL: I was ready to get my driver's license. I was at the Secretary of State office when I was told that because I had Epilepsy, I could not get a license until I was seizure free for five years. I was devastated. All my friends were getting their licenses and I felt like once again I was different than everyone else.
  • P.E. Classes

    BIOSOCIAL: I hated P.E. classes because I was not very coordinated, nor did I have any faith in myself when it came to sports. My instructor called me "the most accident prone person she had ever met." I could hit a volleyball and somehow sprain my wrist.
  • High School

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; During high school, I slowly started to come out of my shell. I branched out into different groups of friends, although never popular, I felt like I had groups that accepted me and that I was just as good as anyone else.
  • Bengalettes

    BIOSOCIAL: Tried out and made the marching squad team., Bengalettes. This was a big deal for me because I had to overcome my fear of rejection and push myself out of my comfort level.
  • Death of my grandmother

    PYSCHOSOCIAL; When I was in my senior year of high school, my grandmother died. It was sudden and left quite a void in my life. My grandmother took care of me while my mother worked and she was so wise and caring. I was very close to her and could tell her anything. I was devastated when she passed and it took years to get over her death.
  • The One

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; Met my future husband and dated for over 4 years before decidiing to marry.
  • College

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; This was the first time I was completely independent and away from home. I remember the first few nights being very conscious of the time and missing curfew. Then it dawned on me that I had no curfew.
  • College Graduation

    Emerging Adulthood - COGNITIVE & PSYCHOSOCIAL: First grandchild to graduate college. It was a big day for me too as I really made some good friends there and knew we were going our separate ways.
  • Marriage

    PYSCHOSOCIAL: Married my husband on this glorious day.
  • First house

    PSYCHOSOCIAL: Purchased our first home in Connecticut.
  • Birth of Daughter

    BIOSOCIAL: Our daughter was born in the evening by C-section.
  • Birth of son

    Adulthood - BIOSOCIAL: Our son was born a month early in the early morning.
  • Moving

    PSYCHOSOCIAL: My husband took a transfer. We left family in the Northeast to move to West Virginia.
  • Back to school

    COGNITIVE: I decided to return to college to get a Bachelor's Degree.
  • Lay-off

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; My husband got laid off. Employment in West Virginia was at a halt. He was looking anywhere for work. Chances of getting back to the Northeast were slim.
  • Car accident

    BIOSOCIAL: While house hunting in Michigan, we got into a very bad car accident totaling our car and causing physical injury to all of us.
  • Back Together

    PSYCHOSOCIAL: When my husband found a job in Michigan, we could not afford to buy a house because ours did not sell. I was waiting with the children there while he was working here. His parents lent us the money we needed to buy a house.
  • Bachelor's Degree-one more time

    COGNITIVE: I never finished my degree in West Virginia. We moved when I was 10 classes shy. So I started again here and decided to change my major since I had to begin again. I went into education.
  • Graduation

    Graduated Summa Cum Laude with my Bachelors in Education.
  • First teaching position

    COGNITIVE/PSYCHOSOCIAL: Teaching a 3/4 split class at a private school in Wayne. I taught grades 3-5 during the time I was there.
  • Death of father-in-law

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; Father-in-law died in his sleep. We all returned to Northeast for funeral.
  • More education

    COGNITIVE: Went back to school for my Master's Degree in Humanities at Central Michigan University.
  • New school

    COGNITIVE/PHYSCOSOCIAL; Started teaching 2nd grade in Walled Lake.
  • Wedding

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; Daughter's wedding.
  • Surgery

    BIOSOCIAL; I had rotator cuff surgery on both shoulders.
  • Leave of Absence

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; After surgery I took two years to recover from surgeries. Was not working.
  • New Birth

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; First grandchild born - a girl, Kate.
  • Death

    PYSCHOSOCIAL; My mother-in-law died today of Alzheimer's.
  • Another birth

    PYSCHOSOCIAL; Grandson Brayden born today.
  • Back to work

    COGNITIVE/PYSCHOSOCIAL; Started teaching fourth grade at a new school in New Boston.
  • Caring for parents

    PSHYCHOSOCIAL; Moved my parents from NY to MI to be able to care for them better.
  • Retirement

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; Retire from teaching.
  • After retirement

    COGNITIVE: I would either return to the school system volunteering my time as an aide or work in the local library as a volunteer.
  • Move

    Late Adulthood - PSYCHOSOCIAL; Since retired moving to a warmer climate is desired.
  • Thinking about death

    PHSYCHOSOCIAL; Time to make decisions concerning my wishes for DNR and assets. Living will needs to be in order.
  • Marriage

    PSHYCHOSOCIAL; Granddaughter Kate gets married.
  • Wedding

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; Grandson Brayden marries.
  • Great Grandparents

    PSYCHOSOCIAL; Great grandbaby born
  • Living will

    It is time to make sure nothing has changed since I made my living will and health care proxy.
  • Death

    Epilogue - BIOSOCIAL: At the age of 89 my earthly life ended but my spiritual one began.