Timeline Project Psych

  • Birth

  • Infancy

    Infancy last from birth up to two years of age.
  • Sensorimotor

    Piagets first stage of congnitive development. Infants explore the world through senory and motor contact. Object permance and seperation aniexty form.
  • Oral Stage

    Child finds pleasure in sucking. This most links with breat feeding.
  • Rooting Reflex

    The rooting flex is the childs reflex to turn its head towards and object and put the object in its mouth. If breastfead, after two weeks it recognizes and knows what to do.
  • Grasping Reflex

    Grasping reflex disappears after 3 months
  • Trusting vs Mistrust

    At about 6 months we learn if we can trust the adults around us or not. Can lead to major problems later on in life if trust is not formed.
  • Obedience and Punishment

    The child learns what is right and what is wrong and the possible outcomes for wrong behavior.
  • Anal stage

    Around 1 to 1 and a half years of age the child enters anal stage. The pleasure in this stage is linked to potty training.
  • Walking/Talking

    This is the first milestone in life. If someone has issues with walking or talking they are going to have problems with almost everything later on in life. People preform these task everyday without even thinking.
  • Shame vs. Doubt

    At about 18 months and to 3 years childern ask themselves the question "Can I do things myself or must I rely on others?"
  • Babinski Reflex

    This reflex makes the child go against a stimulus. This disappears after two years of age.
  • Childhood

    Childhood last from about age 2 to age 12
  • Preoperational

    Child uses symbols but do not think logically. They have the ability to pretend and are egocentric. Assimilation begins to form.
  • Instrumental Relativist

    The child recognizes that there is not just one right view. The do not see being wrong always linked with punishment.
  • Childhood

    Childhood starts at age 2 and last up until age 11, varying on gender.
  • Phallic Stage

    From about 2 years old until 11 years old children begin to notice not only their own genital reigon, but others and the differences. This can lead to the Oedipus complex in boys, which is a rival between father and son.
  • Initative vs Guilt

    "Am I good or bad?" May lead to behavior problems in school.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    School is a milestone. 15 or so years are spend in school.
  • Industry vs Intergrity

    "Am I worthless or sucessful?"
  • "Good boy / Nice girl"

    Around 6 years old childern notice that they have expectation to live up to. Wanting to preform good behavior.
  • Concrete operational

    Around age 7 logical thinking forms. They can understand conservation and they are able to add and subtract.
  • Adolescence

    Puberty begins around age 11 for females and age 14 for males.
  • Latancy Stage

    During early adolescence sexual feelings are repelled. Child wants to focus on school and building up who they are and their personality.
  • Law and Order

    During adolescence, one becomes concerned with society as a whole. Emphasis is put on obeying laws and respecting authority.
  • Identity vs Role Confusion

    Teenagers as themselves "Who am I?"
  • Formal Operational

    Piagets final stage of cognitive development occurs at age 12. Reason, abstract and hypothetical thinking is all formed. This stage last until death.
  • Graduation

    High school graduation is a milestone. Although you're not really an adult yet. It forces you into an adult like world and it's time to grow up.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Young adults have to make the decision if they want to build relationships or want to be alone.
  • Genital Stage

    Entering adulthood, strong sexual interest forms and desire to have intimate relationships.
  • Generativity vs Stagnation

    Adults will ask themselves the question "Will I suceed in life?"
  • Social Contract

    One recognizes things such as basic rights that one should have in society. Also, recognizes their are societies different from their own that have different values.
  • Early Adulthood

    Early Adulthood
    Entering adulthood varies for most people. The brain isnt fully developed until age 25, however.
  • First Intimate Relationship

    First Intimate Relationship
    This milestone in life allows you to become less self. Ends the egocentrism of adolescence and forces the caring of another person and yourself.
  • First child

    First child
    A child changes everything. It changes the dynamics of the relationship. You start to care for a human more than you even care about yourself.
  • 30 year crisis

    The 30 year old crisis for men is important because its a make or break moment. They will decide to stick with the life they have now or rebuild it all.
  • Middle Adulthood

    Middle Adulthood
    This stage can vary as well. Usually occurs when things are settled and men have went through their 30s crisis.
  • 40 year crisis

    "What am I contributing to society?" This crisis occurs dominately in men.
  • 40 year crisis (women)

    Children become more independent so this is a window for new opprotunity.
  • Empty Nest Syndrome

    The age at which this occurs varies, usually late 40s or 50s. Whenever the youngest child lives they must adjust to the feeling of loss.
  • Intergrity vs Despair

    Towards the end of life the question is, "Have I lived a full life?"
  • Retirement

    Retirement is a milestone. It may be the step from late adulthood into old age for some people if they cannot find ways to spend their time.
  • Universal ethics principle

    Want to give justice to all and have everyone treated equally.
  • Old age

    Old age
    Old age really begins whenever you lose your independence.
  • Onset of Alzheimer's

    Alzheimer's disease is the degeneration of neurons. Unable to create new memories and eventually lose control of lanuguage.
  • Stages of Death and Dying
