By Dream21
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Discovered America

    Discovered America
    Amerigo Vespucci had discovered a new continent, he called south America and New world. North and South America were named after him.He was from spain. I think the impact that he has on the world is because America sounds like Amerigo, America was actually named for Amerigo Vespucci in 1507 .And then after that the name America was used throughout Europe. Amerigo really did change the world view and maps significant. (1492-1502 )
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Discovery Of The New World

    Discovery Of The New World
    Christopher Columbus was the first European to reach North America, but he believed he found a new sea route to Asia. He even called the Native Americans "Indians" because he tought he had reach to India.Once he discovered this land it was rather unsettled aside from the Native Americans that were there already. Which lead to colonization from England, France, Spain, Portugal and a few other countries. He was from Spain
  • Apr 2, 1513

    Discovering Florida

    Discovering Florida
    Juan Ponce de Leon discovered the coast of present day Florida. He also searched for the Fountain of Youth, but failed to find it. Ponce de Leon was given permission to colonize Florida but failed too.
  • Aug 29, 1533

    Francisco Pizarro

    Francisco Pizarro
    Francisco Pizarro He conquered the Inca Empire. He came from spain. Therefore, the Spanish influenced the Incas by converting them to Christianity and forcing them to change their language to Spanish.( 1503-1538 )
  • Apr 20, 1534

    Jacques cartier

    Jacques cartier
    He was the first to explore Newfoundland, the first to take possession of land for France, first to exchange furs with the natives. He found and mapped the St. Lawrence river. He also gave Canada its early name "Kanata" Meaning village or settlement in the Huron-Iroqouis language.
  • Thirty Years War

    Thirty Years War
    The Thirty Years' War was a series of wars in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. It was one of the longest conflicts in European history. The war was between German Protestant and Hapsburg Catholic. THis was the fall of the Roman Empire. 100 years after 30 years war the Holy Roman splitted into two countries. 1618-1648
  • Discovery Of The Mississippi River.

    Discovery Of The Mississippi River.
    Jacques Marquette was on the expedition that led to the discovery of the Mississippi River. He also map the Mississippi River.
    He came from france.
  • Bill of Right

    Bill of Right
    The English Bill of Rights is an English precursor of the Constitution, along with the Magna Carta and the Petition of Right. The English Bill of Rights limited the power of the Monarchy, and was written as an act of Parliament. Declaration of Right presented by the Convention Parliament to William and Mary, inviting them to become joint sovereigns of England.
  • Baron de Montesquieu

    Baron de Montesquieu
    He felt the best way for government to protect the right of people has to split up into three branches. He gave the ideas how government could work in the better way. Montesquieu's views and studies of governments led to him to believe that government corruption was probable if a system of government didn't include balance of powers.
  • Voltaire

    He wrote about how terrible slavery was, and how there should be religious and freedom of speech. Voltaire spurred the third estates people into revolting along with many others. Voltaire criticized the governments of both England and France which made people realize the rights of which they did not have and gave them more reason to overthrow.
  • Relocation Of Russia's Capital

    Relocation Of Russia's Capital
    Peter The Great wanted to be more like Western Europe. So, he relocated the capital of Russia to St. Petersburg. I think Peter the Great was highly influential in Russian history because he brought Russia into modern Europe.
  • The voyages of Sir Francis Drake

    The voyages of Sir Francis Drake
    He helped vanquish the Spanish Armada, and he was the first Englishmen to set sail around the world. The impact of the voyages of Sir Francis Drake was when Drake raided the Spaniards and killed many of them. That was the reason for the Spanish war. Also, he impacted the world by sailing around the world. People were inspired by that, so they decided to follow.