Early versions of television were introduced during the 1920's, but it wouldn't be until WWII that black-and-white versions of it became popular and common in households; being used to sway public opinions on matters. -
LSD also known on the street as acid, is a psychedelic drug known for it's altering of reality. Made popular during the counterculture for it's recreational use of it, which led to the prohibition of LSD in the United States. -
G.I. Bill
A law that provides many benefits to World War II veterans returning home. These benefits included payments of tuition, living expenses to attend college, or vocational/technical school, one year of unemployment compensation, etc. -
Iron Curtain
A named coined for a boundary that divided Europe in two separate areas for the duration of the Cold War. Established by the Soviet Union to separate themselves from contact with the West. -
Period: to
Cold War
Truman Doctrine
A foreign policy developed by President Truman to counter the spread of communism by supporting Greece and Turkey financially, so they wouldn't ask for help from the SU and eventually turn into a communist country. -
A practice developed by U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy during the Second Red Scare, where he'd make accusations of subversion or treason with no evidence to back up any of his claims. -
Hollywood 9
The Hollywood blacklist was the practice of denying employment to actors, musicians, directors, and other entertainers during the late 1940's and early 1950's because of accusations of having Communist ties or sympathy for the Communist Party. -
Dr. Jonas Salk
American medical researcher who discovered and developed the first ever successful polio vaccine. Undertaking a project funded by the NFIP ,later renamed March of Dimes Foundation, to study the various strains of polio, but eventually extended his research into finding a cure. -
Marshall Plan
An American initiative to rebuild Western Europe with economic support with more than 13 billion dollars. Including, rebuilding devastated regions, modernizing industry, removing trade barriers, and etc. -
Berlin Airlift
Germany was divided into two separate regions during WWII; East and West. The West was controlled by the major Allied powers, while the East was controlled by the Soviet Union. Berlin located in the East was supplied by the West allies, but one day the Soviet Union barred any entry from the West. The West powers eventually supplied Berlin by sending planes over Berlin and dropping supplies. -
Fair Deal
President Truman set out proposals to continue with the New Deal, but with Conservative Coalition. Major proposals included universal health insurance, aiding education, repealing the Taft-Hartley Act, and the Fair Employment Practices Commission. -
Rock n' Roll
Genre of music popular in the United States during the late 1940's to the early 1950's. Originating from African-American styles of music including gospel, blues, jazz, and more. -
Period: to
Little Richard
An influential American musician, songwriter, and singer during the 1950's with his extraordinary performances Little Richard popularized rock and roll. -
Alger & Ethel Rosenberg
U.S. citizens Alger & Ethel Rosenberg sold United States secrets on the specs of the nuclear bomb to the Soviet Union; also selling information on radar sonar and jet propulsion engines. They were later executed for espionage. -
Polio Vaccine
Developed by Jonas Salk in the 1950's, that was used internationally to treat the Polio epidemic. Later, an oral polio vaccine was developed by Albert Sabin in the 1960's. -
Malcolm X
African-American Muslim minister and civil rights activist that advocated for the rights of African-Americans. Orphaned at a young age Malcolm Little would later be involved in crimes that led to him being incarcerated where he would become a member of the Nation of Islam. Later preaching of black supremacy, separation of blacks and whites, and even rejecting integration because of the "white devils." -
TV Shows
Television was king in the households of many American households during the 1950's where families would gather around and watch for hours on end. Television was the sources of information, which would influence the public's opinion. -
Period: to
Civil Rights
Brown v. Board of Education
A landmark court case that would find state laws that separated public schools into white and black students unconstitutional. This overturned the court case Plessy v. Ferguson that stated "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." -
Beat Generation
A movement started by a group of authors that explored American culture and politics after WWII. Their work was published and popularized during the 1950's; becoming prototypes for the counterculture. The Beat culture rejected materialism, explored the use of drugs, explored religions of all kinds, and sexual liberation and exploration. -
Emmett Till Tragedy
An African-American teen who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955, due to being flirtatious with a white women, but authorities would later find out that this was false. The horrifying details of his murder and the killers being acquitted would spark the Civil Rights Movement. -
Elvis Presley
Regarded as "the King" or "King of Rock and Roll", was an American singer and actor that was one of the most significant icons of the 1950's. Releasing his 1st single in 1956, he instantly became a hit and lead the rock n' roll movement. -
Little Rock 9
"A group of nine African-American students who were enrolled in Little Rock Central High School." Due to the Governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubaus that called the National Guard to prevent these students from going inside. Later, President Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne Division to enforce integration and protect the nine students. -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
This act was passed into law to ensure that every American could have the right to vote. A majority of African-Americans in the South were prohibited to vote by discriminatory laws like literacy tests and poll taxes. -
A Soviet Union satellite that surprised Americans and triggered the Space Race; bringing more funds into technological and scientific developments. -
Period: to
Peace Corps
A volunteer program started by President Kennedy for developing countries in need of assistance. -
Bay of Pigs
An American sponsored attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro and his government. Arming Cuban exiles for a land and sea invasion, but failing miserably since the exiles were drastically outnumbered. (Played this mission on COD: Black Ops) -
Freedom Rides
Civil rights activist who got on buses and rode into the South to challenge the segregation of public buses even though it was ruled by the Supreme Court that it was unconstitutional. The buses were firebombed and the individual themselves were assaulted. -
MLK's Letter from Birmingham Jail
Martin Luther King Jr. while serving his sentence in jail he wrote a letter to the public and his followers where he defends his nonviolent resistance and criticizes a column "A Call for Unity", where Alabama clergymen criticize King and the methods of his protest. -
March on Washington
A symbolic to stand up for civil and economic rights for African-Americans. This is where MLK made his famous speech "I Have a Dream", where he calls for an end to racism. -
Lee Harvey Oswald
Former U.S. Marine that defected to the Soviet Union and eventually returned to Dallas with his wife. Eventually assassinating President Kennedy and a police officer. Later, claiming he was being framed and while being transported to a county jail was killed by Jack Ruby live on television. -
Assassination of JFK
While riding in a presidential motorcade through Dallas, Texas in Dealey Plaza, Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed John F. Kennedy. Shooting a total of three rifle shots, hitting JFK in the neck and the Governor of Texas John Connally in the back and another shot that hit in directly in the head, which obviously proved to be fatal. (conspiracy: U.S. did it and there was more than one gunmen) -
Counter Culture
A social movement stemming from the Beat Generation that was concerned about social issues such as the Civil Rights Movement and U.S. involvement in Vietnam, sexuality, experimentation with drugs, interpretations of the American Dream, etc. -
Great Society
President Johnson established domestic programs to eliminate poverty and racial injustice. Addressing education, medical care, rural poverty, urban problems, and transportation. -
Anti-War Movement
A social movement that opposed the U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Particularly students (baby boomers) grew in numbers across the nation spoke out against the escalation and involvement; peace protests, demonstrations, etc. -
Freedom Summer
A voluntary campaign to attempt to get African-Americans to register to vote; laws prevented them from voting. Three civil rights workers were abducted and murdered; later found in a burnt-out-car. -
Daisy Girl Ad
A political advertisement for the 1964 election, which was funded by Lyndon B. Johnson. The ad includes a little girl named Daisy in a meadow plucking petals from a daisy flower. While picking off individual petals she counts in numbers until getting to nine and stopping, then a loud announcer voice says "ten". The ad goes on to show a nuclear bomb being set off and the voice-over saying to the viewer that this could happen to our children and what not. -
A counterculture that rejected American values and had their own way of life that included many things that were seen as bad. These things included deviating from normal sexual behavior, explored drugs such as LSD, etc. -
Selma March
A protest against the discriminatory voting laws of the South, but were met with resistance. Protesters were met with violence from state troopers and others being attacked with clubs and tear gas. This day would be nicknamed "Blood Sunday." -
Apollo 11
An American spaceflight that landed two men on the moon, which was never done before. It was due to the Space Race, which was the rivalry with the Soviet Union to see who was the superior power. -
A global system of interconnected computers that use TCP/IP and are linked. -
Period: to
Nixon Tapes
Audio recording of then President Nixon and his administration. After the Watergate scandal broke many wanted to hear these tapes. Nixon first refused to release the tapes, but was met with the threat of being impeached. After Nixon's resignation, his administration released all 340 hours of audio recording. -
A political scandal that involved members of Nixon's administration breaking into the Democratic National Committee's HQ at Watergate. This led to a cover-up, which was later discovered and investigated by Congress. -
Title IX
Federal law in which "no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." -
Roe v. Wade
A landmark court case/decision that focused on the issue of abortions, whether or not a women had the right to have one legally since it was her body or not. It was decided because of the 14th amendment that it was a woman's decision to have an abortion. -
Heritage Foundation
A foundation that leads a conservative movement; having a significant role in the making of policies. It's original mission was to "formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense." -
Endangered Species Act
An environmental law that is designed to protect critically endangered species from extinction. -
The Moral Majority
Founded by Jerry Falwell, an American political organization that's associated with the Christian right and the Republican party. Played a huge role in the spreading of conservative Christian's. Started because of Farewell's perception of the nation's moral decay. -
Video Head System (VHS)
Tape cassettes where you could record videos on. Developed by a company in Japan and was released in the U.S. in the late 1970's. -
Camp David Accords
A bilateral treaty signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli PM Menachem Begin; after 12 days of negotiations at Camp David. Signed at the White House and witnessed by President Carter. -
Three-Mile Island
Located in Pennsylvanian, a nuclear power planted located on Three Mile Island suffered a partial meltdown. -
Iran Hostage Crisis
A diplomatic standoff between Iran and the U.S.; 52 American diplomats/citizens were held as hostages for 444 days. The U.S. Embassy in Tehran was taken over by those who supported the Iranian Revolution. Another reason for the taking of the hostages was the Shah a brutal leader put in place by the U.S. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi the successor wanted Shah returned to Iran to face justice. -
Robert Johnson
Founder of BET (Black Entertainment Television), became the 1st African-American billionaire. -
Period: to
Black Entertainment Television (BET)
A television networked started by Robert Johnson and targeted African American audiences. -
A.I.D.S. Crisis
An epidemic of AIDS/HIV outbreaks swept the United States affecting thousands. Mainly, homosexuals, heroin users, hemophiliacs, and Haitians; nicknamed 4H. -
Economic policies promoted by President Reagan. These policies included supply-side economics "trickle-down economics", and free-market economics. Four pillars made up his policy; reduce the growth of government spending, reduce the federal income tax, reduce government regulation, and etc. -
Music Television (MTV)
A TV network that originally only aired music videos; targeted audience was young adults, but it is now primarily for teenagers such as high school/college students. -
Sandra Day O'Connor
Appointed by Ronald Reagan, she served as an associated justice of the SCOTUS. 1st woman to serve as a Justice. -
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) "Star Wars"
A missile defense system created to protect the U.S. from ballistic missiles. -
Reagan Doctrine
Used to stop the influence of the Soviet Union and end the Cold War. Provided aid to anti-communist guerrillas and resistance movements to wear down the Soviet Union's influence in governments such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America. -
Challenger Explosion
NASA's tenth flight into space, but while in-flight it broke apart killing all seven crew members. -
Iran Contra Affair
A political scandal that involved the Reagan Administration to facilitate the sale of arms in Iran. Hoping to fund the Contras in Nicaragua and negotiate the release of U.S. hostages, -
Period: to
Rodney King Incident
A taxi driver who lead LAPD officers on a high-speed chase, which ended in Mr. King being pulled out of his car and beaten by officers. The recording of the abuse was sent to a local news network and shown on television sparking riots all over LA. -
World Trade Center Attack (1993)
A botched terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. A truck detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center; intended to bring the tower, but only created a huge mess. Also killing six people and injuring close to a thousand people. -
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
An agreement signed between Mexico, Canada, and the United States that eliminates most tariffs between them. -
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy
A policy on the military service of gays, bisexuals, and lesbians; made by the Clinton Administration. In short, the policy stance on gays is we won't ask if you're gay, and don't tell us that you are. Prohibited discrimination or harassment, but did not let them express their sexuality if it was anything, but straight. -
Oprah Winfrey
An African-American TV personality, who is best known for her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show. First, African-American women to become a billionaire. -
Lionel Sosa
Mexican-American advertiser and was involved in presidential politics, serving as an adviser to the Republican campaign; for Ronald Reagan and Little Baby Bush. -
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
Federal law that defined marriage between a man and woman, and allowed states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages. -
Lewinsky Affair
A political sex scandal that involved President Clinton and intern Monica Lewinsky. The relationship lasted lasted between 1995 and 1996, during that time she told Linda Tripp of the relationship out of confidence. After, the media got wind of the alleged relationship, President Clinton made a televised speech that "he did not have sexual relations with that women." Later, President Clinton was almost impeached, but it was a failure. -
Period: to
No Child Left Behind Education Act
An Act of Congress that revived the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Supported standards-based education reform which set high standards and putting goals you could measure, which could improve an individuals education. Required states to make assessments in basic skills and they had to do it to receive federal funding. -
9/11 Attacks
Coordinated terrorists attacks on American soil by a terrorist group known as al-Qaeda. This led to the hijacking of four airplanes (United Airlines and American Airlines), two of which crashed into the twin towers, one into the pentagon, and another one in a field in Pennsylvania. Led to the death of about three-thousand people and many more injured. -
War on Terror
Following the attacks on the World Trade Center, President Bush (baby bush) started an international military campaign against terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda. -
An Act of Congress, signed into law by then President Bush after the terrorist attacks on the 9/11. The act includes ten titles which include: enhancing domestic security against terrorism, surveillance procedures, border security, and much more. Many criticize the act itself as an invasion of privacy. -
Hurricane Katrina Disaster
Ranked as third of the most brutal hurricanes ever experienced in the United States. Close to 1,300 people died as a result and many more were displaced due to flooding of their homes and severe property damage. -
Housing Bubble
"A land boom is the rapid increase in the market price of real property such as housing until they reach unsustainable levels and then decline in a bubble." -
The Great Recession
Due to a multiple of factors such as the housing bubble, the U.S. had a severe recession. Many lost their jobs, homes, and debt rose. -
Barack Obama
Our 44th POTUS and our 1st African-American President, but before that he was an Illinois senator. -
Sonia Sotomayor
The 1st Hispanic justice -
Affordable Care Act (ACA) a.k.a Obamacare
A health care law passed by President Obama to increase health insurance quality, affordability, reduce healthcare costs, better accessibility, etc.