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timeline project

  • Birth

    i was born this day
  • moved to Chicago from Florida

    moved to Chicago from Florida
    We moved because my dad got a job offer here so we came for that
  • got my first real pet

    got my first real pet
    my dad saved her from under a bench
  • sister was born

    sister was born
    my sister is 4 years and 1 day younger than me.
  • adventures - cruse

    adventures - cruse
    the first time i went out of the country, i went to a couple of islands and Mexico
  • emotional - saved cats

    emotional - saved cats
    there were a bunch of kittens in an apartment no one lived in, and we threw salami through the window to feed them, of them jumped out the window (on the 3rd floor) to our balcony. so, we saved 2 of them and brought them to a now kill shelter. This made me see how i use my feelings over thinking.
  • first time at a real school in 3rd grade

    first time at a real school in 3rd grade
    i was homeschooled before i came to onahan
  • changed schools

    changed schools
    We had to move because the ret was getting high at my old house
  • extraverted - met my best friend

    extraverted - met my best friend
    we met when I came toa new school, this helped show me i was extraverted because i when out f my comfort zone and talked to people to make new friends at my new school.
  • responsibility - when I got my dog

    responsibility - when I got my dog
    my uncle got her for me on Christmas, and i had to take her out, feed her, brush her, and take care of her by my self which helped teach me responsibility.
  • covid happened and I couldn't see my family who al live in Florida

    covid happened and I couldn't see my family who al live in Florida
    my mom was really sad about this because her dad, my grandfather, was sick and we couldn't go see him.
  • observant - babysitter

    observant - babysitter
    I love kids, and i feel like watching them has made me more obserbent because i have to pay attion to what they do. (The first time I babysat)
  • athletic - soccer

    athletic - soccer
    freshman year the Taft girls' soccer team got 2nd place at the end of the season
  • first day in school highschool

    first day in school highschool
    first real day in sophomore year
  • loyalty - got a boyfriend

    loyalty - got a boyfriend
    they day I got my fist real boyfriend. this has made me more loyal as a person
  • prospecting - got a job at Walgreens

     prospecting - got a job at Walgreens
    I got this job so I could earn and save money. Also, to get a better work ethic.
  • confidence - braces off

    confidence - braces off
    I got my braces off after having them for almost 3 years
  • met Rama

    met Rama
    first day of junior year 2nd period in this class
  • openminded - parents' divorce

    openminded - parents' divorce
    they had it coming, still going on right now actually. this made me openminded because I had to see things through both their perspectives to see how they felt and why both their reasons were valid.
  • dreamer - graduation

    dreamer - graduation
    and after i want to travel different parts of the world