The Transcontinental Railroad was completed
Alaska is purchased from Russia
John D. Rockefeller started Standard Oil
Standard Oil was started in Cleveland, Ohio and was the largest oil refinery of its time. The oil company went on for 41 years until operations were ceased in 1911. In 1909 there were an estimated 60,000 employees that worked there. -
Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
Thomas Edison brings light to the world with the light bulb.
Thomas Edison had a laboratory in Menlo Park, New York where he produced the first commercially viable lightbulb. It worked by passing electricity through a thin platinum filament in the glass vacuum bulb, which delayed the filament from melting. The light was only able to stay lit for a few hours. Edison was not the first one to invent the bulb but he was the first to get it to work. -
Chinese Exclusion Act was passed.
Samuel Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Sherman Antitrust Act was passed
Ellis Island opens
Carnegie steels homestead strike
The strike also known as the Homestead Massacre was a fight between strikers and a private security force. It was located at the steel mill in Homestead, Pennsylvania. The strikers lost and it was a major setback for steel workers. -
Plessy V Furgeson
The U.S supreme court set the law that segregation laws can be upheld if they were equal. The main phrase used is "Separate but equal". Even though this law was passed, colored people were not equal. -
The U.S declares war on Spain
Hawaii is annexed
Rudyard Kipling published “The White Man’s Burden”
The start of the Boxer Rebellion
It happened towards the end of the Qing dynasty. The Chinese were anti-imperialists, anti-foreign, and anti-christian. It led to the Boxer Protocol being signed. -
Tenement Act was passed
Pres. McKinley is assassinated and Theodore Roosevelt becomes President
The Philippine Insurrection comes to an end
Henry Ford produced his first model T car
The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe doctrine declares the U.S. right to intervene in the Western Hemisphere
Upton Sinclair releases "The Jungle"
The Jungle led to the Pure Food and Drug Act being passed. It exposed the horrors of meat factories and how poorly the working conditions are. The book is classified as political fiction and contains 475 pages. -
Pure Food and Drug Act and The Meat Inspection Act were passed
The peak year of immigration through Ellis Island
Creation of the NAACP
NAACP stands for "The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People". W.E.B Du Bois, Mary White Ovington, Moorfield Story, etc. were the founders. The association was founded in New York but the headquarters is in Baltimore, Maryland. -
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
The fire happened in a factory in a neighborhood of Manhattan, New York. There were 146 deaths and 78 injuries. The owners Isacc Harris and Max Blanck were charged with manslaughter because of their failure of safety. -
The Assassination on Austria’s Archduke Franz Ferdinand starts WWI
The Panama Canal is completed and opened for traffic
The U.S enters WWI
The U.S had additional firepower, soldiers, and resources that made a significant impact on the war. The U.S entered WWI because Germany was sinking their ships. WWI originally started in 1914. -
Ratification of the 18th amendment- prohibition
Women got the right to vote
Congress passed the 19th amendment. Although it was not ratified until August 18, 1920. It took 42 years for women to win the vote.