Timeline project

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Henry Clay created the missouri compromise. A bill was passed in congress, The Missouri Compromise of 1820 temporarily quieted the differences between the North and South. It was a balance of 15 free states to 15 slave states. A line that divided the free and slave states. Maine was a free state, and Missouri is a slave state, as it was decided.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    The Wilmot Proviso was the ban on slavery in all Mexican Cession territories. Representative David Wilmot from Pennsylvania proposed a ban on slavery in all Mexican Cession territories, in August 8, 1846. The bill did not pass in the senate, but was passed in the house. This angered the southerners, who viewed the bill as a direct attack on slavery in North.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Congress passed the Compromise of 1850, a series of laws meant to solve the controversy over slavery. The bitterness between the North and South caused all attempts at compromise to fail. It included 5 laws. The Compromise of 1850 was:California would be a free state; popular sovereignty would decide if New Mexico and Utah would be free or slave states; slave trade would be ended in D.C; New fugitive law passed; Texas would give up its claim to New Mexico in return for $10 Million.
  • Fugitive slave act

    Fugitive slave act
    It allowed officials to arrest anyone accused of being a runaway slave, and it was a part of the compromise of 1850. If they catch an escaped slavery they get 500 dollars as a reward, and Northern citizens were required to capture the slaves.Suspects had no right for a trial.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    In 1853 Harriet Beecher Stowe published the novel Uncle Tom’s cabin, which is about a slave abused by a cruel owner. It exposes slavery in it’s raw core. Many northerners were shocked, and started to view slavery as a serious moral problem. Many white southerners said it was untrue and propaganda.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas

    Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas
    Stephen Douglas created this to allow the people in the territories to decide the slavery issue by popular sovereignty. The north and the south were divided by this act. The southerners supported this act, and hoped that the new territories would become slave states. On the other hand, the North was outraged by this act, and it felt that Douglas had betrayed them into allowing more slave states.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    In 1857 a slave named Dred Scott sued for his freedom. Scott had lived with his owner in 2 places where slavery was illegal, and he argued that this meant he was a free man. Dred scott's court decision was bad, he could not sue, because he was a slave and a not a US citizen, and living in a free state didn’t mean that he had freedom, as slaves are property and are protected by the US constitution. The southerners were overjoyed by this decision, and the northerners were outraged.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates:"The Great Debates"

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates:"The Great Debates"
    They were seven debates that were big events that were Lincoln versus Douglas debating over topics to compete and get votes for senate. Douglas went into the debate because of the Dred Scott case. Lincoln was against slavery in the north, douglas was for slavery all over. Douglas won the debate and a rivalry in the next presidential election formed. The house divided speech was made.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    He was an Abolitionist, born in 1800, and raised a group of followers to help him overthrow a weaponry in the south. They attacked the town of Harper’s ferry, Virginia. They seized guns and planned to start a slave revolt. Brown was wounded and captured by Colonel Robert E Lee. Ten of a mixture of Brown's followers and sons were killed. This impacted history by people taking decisions on what to do. John was found guilty and was hanged in 1859.
  • Lincoln's Election of 1860

    Lincoln's Election of 1860
    Four candidates ran for president In the election of 1860 . Lincoln won the votes in the north and had 40% of the popular vote. This changed history because when he took office, the South seceded from the nation. Once Lincoln won the seven southern states left from the country. The southerns choose vice president John beckridge.
  • Southern Seccesion

    Southern Seccesion
    The southerners felt that Lincoln opposed their ideas especially slavery. So the south seceded from the Union, in 1860. The south wants to leave, and Lincoln actually doesn't want to pull out weapons and bring them back. South Carolina was the first to leave and then 6 more states followed. Lincoln encouraged the south to return. The confederate states responded by taking over federal property within their borders. Jefferson Davis was the president for confederate states.