
13 Colonies

  • Colonies Timeline

    Colonies Timeline
    The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia
  • Virginia Becomes a Royal Colony

    Virginia was made a royal colony.
  • The Boston Trip

    The Boston Trip
    Puritans led by John Winthrop formed the Massachusetts Bay Company and many Puritans continued to settle in the areas around Boston.
  • John Mason

    John Mason
    John Mason and Sir Ferdinando Gorges received a patent from the Council for New England for all the territory lying between the Merrimack and Kennebec rivers which they divided with Mason receiving the southern portion which included most of the southeastern part of the current state of New Hampshire. John Mason never set foot in New Hampshire he died that same year he was preparing for his first voyage to the new colony.
  • Bay Colony

    Bay Colony
    Connecticut was initially settled colonists, led by Thomas Hooker, left the Massachusetts Bay Colony due to dissatisfaction and settled in the Connecticut River Valley. In 1639, three settlements joined to form a unified government creating a document called the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, the first written constitution in America. King Charles II officially united Connecticut as a single colony in 1662 - refer to Connecticut Colony.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Roger Williams was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded Providence. Anne Hutchinson was also banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and she settled Portsmouth.
  • Delaware

    Delaware was settled in 1638 by Peter Minuit and others - refer to Delaware Colony
  • King Charels 2

    King Charels 2
    The Navigation Acts. The colonies represent a lucrative source of wealth and trade. Navigation Acts regulate colonial trade and enable England to collect duties (taxes). Refer to Triangular Trade. During this period the Slave Plantations in the Southern colonies were established.
  • The Southern Colonies

    The Southern Colonies
    The five Southern Colonies of Colonial America composed of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. The original names of the Southern Colonies were the Province of Maryland (later Maryland), the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, (later Virginia, Kentucky and West Virginia), the Province of North Carolina, (later North Carolina and Tennessee), the Province of South Carolina, (later South Carolina) and the Province of Georgia, (later Georgia).
  • The Middle Colonies

    The Middle Colonies
    The four Middle Colonies of Colonial America composed of Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, and New Jersey. The original names of the Middle Colonies were the Province of New York, later New York and Vermont, the Province of New Jersey, later New Jersey, the Province of Pennsylvania, later Pennsylvania and the Delaware Colony (before 1776, the Lower Counties on Delaware), later Delaware