timeline project 2

  • 486

    Clovis defeats the last roman army in western Europe

    Clovis defeats the last roman army in western Europe
  • Period: 486 to 1192


  • 529

    Benedict of Nursia founds the first benedictine monastery

    Benedict of Nursia founds the first benedictine monastery
  • 618

    tang dynasty returns china to glory

    tang dynasty returns china to glory
  • 630

    Muhammad returns to mecca from Medina

    Muhammad returns to mecca from Medina
  • 732

    Charles Martel defeats Muslim invaders in the battle of tours

    Charles Martel defeats Muslim invaders in the battle of tours
  • 792

    vikings make their earliest known raid on Ireland

    vikings make their earliest known raid on Ireland
  • 800

    pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne emperor

    pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne emperor
  • 962

    Pope crowns Otto I emperor

    Pope crowns Otto I emperor
  • 1066

    Normans conquer England

    Normans conquer England
  • 1096

    first crusade begins

    first crusade begins
  • 1170

    English arch bishop Thomas Becket is murdered

    English arch bishop Thomas Becket is murdered
  • 1192

    Minamoto Yoritomo is appointed shogun of japan

    Minamoto Yoritomo is appointed shogun of japan