618 BCE
Chinese people
Invented paper bills.(618-907)A.C -
500 BCE
6th Century
The Western philosophy was born in Greece. -
500 BCE
Invented in 500-900 A.D the windmill. -
500 BCE
Thales of Miletus
Decided that the arché is water. -
442 BCE
Proposed the existence of an original component, called "Atom". -
367 BCE
Discovered that whales and dolphins are mammals. -
230 BCE
Cultivation began
23000 years ago. -
230 BCE
Proposed its theory was heliocentric. -
200 BCE
Invented the astrolabe. -
170 BCE
The earliest evidence of control of fire
1.7 million years ago. -
120 BCE
Farming was invented
12000 years ago. -
Claudius Ptolemy
Improved the Aristotelian system.
(27-14). -
Scientific Research
A fact is that it was not consolidated until the Renaissance. -
The Renaissance
Was a cultural humanist movement that started in Europe in the 15th century. -
Johannes Guttenberg
Invent the printing press. -
Heliocentric Theory
Galileo Galilei
Proposed the law of pendulum. -
Novum Organum
Philosophical work written by Francis Bacon in Latin. -
Published a book showing experiments later known as Boyle´s law. -
Development of the universal laws
Isaac Newton establishes the theories of gravitation, when only 23 years old. -
Published the book called "Philosopiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" in which he presents his theory of Universal Gravitation. -
Critique of pure reason
Book written by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. -
John Dalton proposed that all things are made up of small particles called atoms that combine among them to create molecules. -
The 18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon
Is an essay written by Karl Max -
Charles Darwin publishes The Origin Of The Species, where he presents his theory of biological evolution by natural selection. -
Louis Pasteur conclusively refutes the theory of spontaneous generation. -
Gregor Mendel begins the study of the laws of genetic inheritance. -
Marie Curie discovered the radioactive elements, radio and polonium, that would help in medical progress. -
Albert Einstein publishes his theory of special relativity; the same year, he explains quantumly the photoelectric effect. -
Niels Bohr presents his model of the atom. -
James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the doublé hélix structure of DNA. -
Formal and Factual Science
Rudolf Carnap started its earliest study of this probability theory. -
On October 4th of this year, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1. -
"La ciencia. Su método, su filo, su filosofía"
Science. Its methodology, its philosophy this book written by Mario Bunge, gives introduction to scientific methodology. -
Actualization course written by Mario Bunge. -
"El conocimiento del conocimiento"
By Edgar Morín.
This article aspects of Morín's epistemological thought to the problems faced by basic education, especially the permanent learning of teacher. -
The sheep Dolly is cloned. -
The first draft of the human genome is completed . -
A story to understand
Julio Baggini publishes a short story called "The Indian and the ice" in his book "the pig that wants to be eaten" in which is shown how some people don't believe what others say unless they can see it with their own eyes(Empirical thinking). -
NASA confirms the existence of wáter on the planet Mars. -
"Investigation of methodology"
By Julio Pimentón.
This book was created so that the students could understand the importance of scientific investigation and it social impact. -
Julio Pimienta. (2011). Investigation of methodology. México: Pearson Educación de México. Ma. Guadalupe Álvarez Nieto. (28 de Octubre, 2016). Knowledge of knowledge: the work of Edgar Morin and the problem of Mexican education. 20 de Agosto, 2019, de Servicios Educativos Integrados al Estado de México (SEIEM) Sitio web: http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2448-85502016000200006 -
Herbert Feigl and May Brodbeck. (07 de Abril, 2014). Formal and Factual Science (1935). 20 de Agosto, 2019, de Literatur-Hinweise Sitio web: file:///C:/Users/Dra%20Nelly%20de%20la%20Gza/Downloads/4.%20Carnap_FormalandFactualScience%20(3).pdf Patricia O'Grady. Unknown. Thales of Miletus (c. 620 B.C.E.—c. 546 B.C.E.). En Writing of Thales (1, 2) Australia: The Flinders University of South Australia. -
Juan Veliz Flores. (2016). Historia del método científico. 20 de Agosto, 2019, de Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Sitio web: https://es.slideshare.net/JohnnieWalkerGeobass/historia-del-mtodo-cientfico-57436196