
Timeline On Netflix

By Issa.k
  • Netflix was founded by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings

    Netflix was founded by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings
    The company was established in 1997 and is headquartered in Los Gatos, California by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings.
    On November 11, 1997 was created.
  • Employees and titles

    Employees and titles
    Netflix officially open with 925 titles and 30 employees.
  • Netflix was established as a subscription service

    Netflix was established as a subscription service
    introduced the monthly subscription conception.
  • Netflix current net worth

    Netflix current net worth
    In 2000, Netflix reached Blockbuster to become strategic partners and investors, however Blockbuster declined the offer.
  • Warner Home video

    Warner Home video
    Revenue sharing agreements with Warner Home Video and Columbia Tri-State .
  • Netflix Goes Public

    Netflix Goes Public
    The company makes an initial public offering of 5.5 million shares at $15 per share.
  • 1 million subscribers

    1 million subscribers
    Reaches 1 million subscribers and 15,000 titles.
  • Rapid Growing

    Rapid Growing
    They gained 3 million subscriptions i early 2005.
  • Introducing video on demand

    Introducing video on demand
    It began to to move away from its original care business model of mailing DVD's by introducing video on demand via The Internet.
  • DVD delivery

    DVD delivery
    Announces billionth DVD delivery.
  • Biggest source of internet traffic

    Biggest source of internet traffic
    By 2010, Netflix streaming business had grown so quickly that they became the biggest internet source.
  • Netflix reconstruction

    Netflix reconstruction
    Restructure its DVD home media rental service as an independent subsidiary company Qwikster.
  • 50 million global subscribers

    50 million global subscribers
    they earn 50 million global subscribers with a 32.3% video streaming market share in the United States.
  • Netflix in Australia

    Netflix in Australia
    Media frenzy around Netflix launch in Australia