Timeline on Media History

  • 1000

    Creation of the Alphabet

    Creation of the Alphabet
    The letters in order is the gathering of composed images fit together and used to portray certain sounds inside the verbal dialect, a method for correspondence without verbal contact. The production of the letter set is conceivably the biggest point of reference in our media's history. Correspondence had developed from verbal, to visual, and thought's could now be recorded for future ages to watch. Without the alphabet media would not be what we recognize it as today.
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The printing press came a quickly expanding rate of education, as it made books and other perusing materials significantly more simpler to get and substantially less costly. The Printing and distributing started in the Philippines with the entry of the Spanish in 1565. Experiencing a gigantic number of local dialects, the Spaniards felt a squeezing need to depict the dialects most commonly spoken in the archipelago in order to communicate with the Filipinos.
  • Discovery of Radio Wave Lengths

    Discovery of Radio Wave Lengths
    James Clerk Maxwell found that the air held something many refer to as radio wave lengths of which could be changed and used to convey. It was this discovery that prompted the formation of the radio. The radio has changed how we speak with each other, and how we access news and entertainment. It significantly expanded the public's enthusiasm for media as it made stories, music, and data available at the turn of a dial.
  • Vinyl Disc Player

    Vinyl Disc Player
    The first ever Vinyl circle and music player was invented by Emile Berliner in 1888 incredibly changing the universes thankfulness for music. Shows and artist exhibitions were never again the best way to acknowledge music, with this innovation music could be acknowledged inside ones home, at whatever point one needed. It was developmental to the music media and it enabled numerous more to develop to love and acknowledge music, conveying the medium to a cutting edge.
  • First Radio Network

    First Radio Network
    Henry Hermann, founder of the Electrical Supply Company (Manila) gained permission, possibly from local government and the military to operate more than one station. The test broadcasts delivered music over the air to wealthy residents who owned radio receivers.
    This network of test broadcasts, however, was summed up into one 100-watt powered AM station bearing the call letters KZKZ on 729 kHz.Radio Corporation of the Philippines (RCP) later bought KZKZ in October 1924.
  • Video Camera and Television

    Video Camera and Television
    At the point when John Largie Baird created the TV he additionally concocted the camcorder, each futile without the other. The camcorder has changed our media since it has without any help made a radical new range of media. The mediums are huge to our general public today, and they were altogether made conceivable by the camcorder. The television shaped our media's history, in the way that it brought in a whole new form of media.
  • Computers

    The first ever electrical binary programmable system was created by Konrad Zuse and his parents in their home living room. This has shaped our media greatly as computers control next to everything we use in our society today. They are the main source from which people today gain their media and information from, and have shaped our industrial lives greatly. Computers were introduced in the Philippines in the late 60's by IBM Philippines, Inc.
  • VHS player

    VHS player
    The Sony company engineers developed this invention which again shaped our media. In our research, there was no year imputed when this invention started in the Philippines but back in the olden days, these are what people use to listen to old music and news.
  • First Cellphone

    First Cellphone
    Development to the media world as it all of a sudden implied people could simply be in contact with each other, regardless of where they went. This innovation has gone ahead to bring us gadgets, for example, smartphones which our one of our times biggest media outlets.Mobile phone industry started to emerge in the Philippines during the 1990’s. PILTEL established by the Philippine Long Distance Company (PLDT), provided the first cellular mobile phone service in the country in 1991.
  • The Social Networking Sites

    The Social Networking Sites
    As technology continues to evolve, new browsing sites, search engines and social networks started to appear through out the late 1900s to the early 2000s and stil, are updating until now.
    Internet Explorer, Yahoo(1995)
    and so on. These Sites made media faster with easier access to the information the people need.